On your speaker if you want to listen :DD

Monday, September 29, 2008


Another nice and meaningful song by Jay Chou!!
Like the mv and lyrics very much!!!!
And here the lyrics: (Well i dunno the 1st sentence is wad, so dun hav put.. XD)

跌倒了 就不敢继续往前走
die dao le jiu bu gan ji xu wang qian zou
为什么人要这么脆弱 堕落
wei shen me ren yao zhe me cui ruo duo luo
qing ni dao kai dian shi kan kan
duo shao ren wei sheng ming zai nu li yong gan de zou xiang qu
wo men shi bu shi gai zhi zu
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
zheng xi yi qie jiu shuan mei you yong you

还记得你说家是唯一的城堡 随著稻香河流继续奔跑
hai ji de ni shuo jia shi wei yi de cheng bao shui zhe dao xiang he liu ji xu ben pao
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
wei wei xiao xiao shi hou de meng wo zhi dao
不要哭让萤火虫带著你逃跑 乡间的歌谣永远的依靠
bu yao ku rang ying huo chong dai zhe ni tao pao xiang jian de ge yao yong yuan de yi kao
回家吧 回到最初的美好
hui jia ba hui dao zui cu de mei hao

不要这麼容易就想放弃 就像我说的
bu yao zhe me yong yi jiu xiang fang qi jiu xiang wo shuo de
追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了
zhui bu dao de meng xiang huan ge meng bu jiu deng le
为自己的人生鲜艳上色 先把爱涂上喜欢的颜色
wei ji zi de ren sheng xian yan shang se xian ba ai tu shang xi huan de yan se
笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的
xiao yi ba gong cheng ming bu jiu shi mu di
rang ji zi kuai le kuai le zhe cai jiao zuo yi yi
童年的纸飞机 现在终於飞回我手里
tong nian de zi fei ji xian zai zhong yu fei hui wo shou li
所谓的那快乐 赤脚在田里追蜻蜓追到累了
suo wei de na kuai le chi jiao zai tian li zhui qin ting zhui dao lei le
偷摘水果被蜜蜂给叮到怕了 谁在偷笑呢
tou zai shui guo bei mi feng ding dao pa le shui zai tou xiao ne
wo kao zhe dao cao ren chui zhe feng chang zhe ge shui zhao le
哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆
o o wu huo ji ta zai chong ming zhong geng qing cui
哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎
o o yang guang sa zai lu shang jiu bu pa xin sui
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
zheng xi yi qie jiu shuan mei you yong you

还记得你说家是唯一的城堡 随著稻香河流继续奔跑
hai ji de ni shuo jia shi wei yi de cheng bao sui zhe dao xiang he liu ji xu ben pao
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
wei wei xiao xiao shi hou de meng wo zhi dao
不要哭让萤火虫带著你逃跑 乡间的歌谣永远的依靠
bu yao ku rang ying huo chong dai zhe ni tao pao xiang jian de ge yao yong yuan de yi kao
回家吧 回到最初的美好
hui jia ba hui dao zui cu de mei hao

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

I've watched this anime last year or last two years ady...

But after i heard the song 'God Knows', i miss the anime very much!!
It is a nice anime about a gal named Suzumiya Haruhi, she is good in everything and her biggest wishes is to meet Alliens, Ghosts, Time Travelers and Espers...

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya follows the high school life of Haruhi Suzumiya, a young and very active high school girl, and those who are caught up in her antics. While Haruhi is the central character to the plot, the story is told from the point of view of Kyon, one of Haruhi's classmates.

Kyon is an ordinary freshman high school student who has recently given up his fantasies of espers, time-travellers, alliens and as he left middle school. When he chooses to speak to Haruhi, he unwittingly sets off a chain of events which drag him into surreal situations; he is drawn further into a world eerily like the fantasies he had just managed to outgrow, with Haruhi at its center.

Searching for a group that interests her, Haruhi joins and quits every club in the school, finding only dissatisfaction. Kyon makes a snide remark about her actions and accidentally provides Haruhi the inspiration to create a club of her own. To help start the club, Haruhi forcefully drafts Kyon, who only stays in the club to protect other helpless victims of Haruhi's "voluntary arrests". As the story progresses, Kyon finds that each of these supposedly "helpless victims" has a specific reason to be there.

The first of these new members is Yuki Nagato, a silent bibliophile who usually wants to simply be left alone to read. Without Haruhi knowing, Yuki is in fact a "humanoid interface," or an artificial human, created by the extraterrestrial Intergrated Data Entity. The next member is the shy and timid Mikuru Asahina, who is one year above Haruhi; she is actually a time traveller. The final member of the SOS Brigade is Itsuki Koizumi, who is almost always smiling and more than willing to give in to Haruhi's strange demands. He turns out to be one of many espers in an organization known as the Agency.

Except for Kyon, the members of the club are secret agents of various organizations who are sent to observe Haruhi. They gradually explain that Haruhi has superhuman control over every aspect of the universe—an ability which she is unaware of. Whenever Haruhi becomes bored or otherwise dissatisfied with reality, she subconsciously creates a new universe—one more to her liking—and attempts to switch over, thus leading to the destruction of the current universe. In order to prevent this, the members of Haruhi's club spend their time attempting to keep their god-like leader entertained, hold her powers in check, and maintain the illusion of a normal life.

The series never clarifies whether the club members gathered around Haruhi by their own free will, her subconscious, or were simply created out of thin air for Haruhi's amusement. The question of their origin is a motif seen throughout the series.

This anime is awesome but everyone is confuse by the anime bcause u need to watch it chronological.. If u dun watch it chronologically, u wont follow up the anime.. But if u wan to watch it inchronologically, it also an anime, but u will get confused by the story..
So this is the ep order of the chronological way:
2, 3, 5, 10, 13, 14, 4, 7, 6, 8, 1, 12, 11, 9

Meaningful.. Be grateful of what u have... XD

Sorry i know it is a bit small... But when i save this pic it is big... dunno why know bcome small.... haiz.. XD

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Shugo Chara ep 48 released!!!

Finally!!! Shugo Chara ep 48 is released!!! I've wait for weeks ady!!
When i signed in my msn last night, and i saw my ah ma (bibiana teo) sent me an offline messaging: "shugo chara 48 out liao"
And i was like, "izit?! waaaaa which website?? cant w
ait to see!!!" XD
But this ep is a bit boring...
And i am really looking forward ep 49!!!!
Shugo CHara ep 49: The Secret of the Violin! Notes Dancing in the Wind!!!"
About Amuto!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Tagged by my Ah ma aka Bibiana Teo Hua Ying

1. What's your favourite sweet?
~ sweets

2. What's your favourite subject?
~ Hmm.... depends on how hard it is... XD

Who did you last talked to in person?
~ My sis

4. you missing someone right now?
~ Now....no...

5. Do you want him or her back or to be with you now?
~ Huh? Who?

6. Who do you want to meet?
~ Anime ppl!!! lolzz

7. What's your favourite food?
~ Food that human-beings can eat

8. Who do you hate the most?
~ shh.... XP

9. How many pink shirts do you have?
~ Er... one or two??

10. How many shorts do you have?
~ Errmm.... Lazy to count..

11. Do you like going out with your family?
~ Yupp!! n.n

12. Where was the last place you went to eat with your family?
~ Errm...Jalan Song!!

13. What's your phone model?
~ Nokia 2600

14. What's your status now?
~ Single

15. Riddle: If you have a bathtub filled wif water, and you are given a spoon, fork and bucket, what will you use to empty the bathtub?
~ Pull the thingy out so the water will flow away.... (dun know how to say that thingy....cork?? O.O)

16. If your boyfriend or girlfriend dates another girl or guy other than you.. What would you do?
~ Well.... Choose me or her? Now. lolzz

17. What do you find most attractive? jewelry or fluff balls?
~ Fluff balls

18. Are you happy with your exam results this term??
~ Nope

19. What was your average for your last term exam?
~ 77 sumthing

20. What would you give to your lover on your anniversary?
~ ???

21. Do you hate what you've done to your last ex?
~ No ex

22. Do you feel like killing him or her for dumping you/ do you feel like dying after being dumped?
~ .....

23. Who was the last person or last thing you hugged or slept with?
~ Last thing i hugged and slept with was my blanket...

24. Do you recently get presents from guys or girls?
~ My Best Friend!!

25. Do you like guys or girls that you don't know of chasing you?
~ .....O.O......... wad?

26. How does it feel being single or in a relationship?
~ Being single is good

27. What's your favourite colour?
~ White the most... and other colours...

28. Do you like swimming?
~ I dunno how to swim =X

29. Where is the place that you would dream to visit?
~ Around the world...(except for terrorist's place...)

30. Are you answering this survey truthfully?
~ Yupp..

~Grace Ong Sing Ling aka my nenek moyang
~Seah Shin Yean aka Ms Cobra (Dun angry... lolzz)
~Anyone who saw this msg... lol..

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Shugo Chara

Another amazing anime introduced by my DEAR ah ma garfield aka bibiana teo hua ying, bibi, garfield, doraemon, baboon 2, vice baboon president ah ma baboon!! Well, thanks..haha (Actually i decided to watch it when many ppl in crunchyroll said it is a good anime... XP)
And the story about that everyone in Seiyuu Academy believes Hinamori Amu is the coolest girl around. However she is hiding who she really is. Unable to be honest with the people around her, and so unsure of herself, she hides behind a mask of her insecurities, leading people to believe that her cool exterior is who she is. However what she wants most of all, is just to be able to be herself. Late at night at home, she privately wishes for courage to change, and the next morning she awakens to find 3 eggs in her bed. These eggs are guardians, who protect her true self and with their help. After she was discover by the school guardians: Hotori Tadase (King Chair), Fujisaki Nadeshiko (Queen Chair), Yuiki Yaya (Ace Chair), Souma Kukai (Jack Chair) and their shugo chara and asked Hinamori Amu to join the guardians as Joker... bla bla
Hinamori with her three Sh
ugo Chara, Ran (Good in sport), Miki (Good in drawings), Suu (Good in cooking and tidying..)

Hinamori and the two guys... Hotori Tadase and Tsukiyomi Ikuto..
Hope Hinamori will be with Tsukiyomi Ikuto (Who has the Dumpty Key that matches the Hinamori's Humpty Lock!!)

According to what the ppl in crunchyroll said, there will be only 51 eps... sobs...
Hope there is season 2 but that sure going to take a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long time for the season to come out!!! sheesh!! Just like Gakuen Alice... I've been waiting 1 year or more lorh!!(Not sure if it is really 1 year..hahax XD) still havent come out...

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