On your speaker if you want to listen :DD

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fishes that were found after Tsunami

These pictures i found it sumwhr and thought it is interesting so i post it here..
Blog update agn =D

Title: WEIRD fishes that were found after Tsunami..
Venue: PLaces that gt tsunami?
Aim: to see weird fishes

kay.. please observe the picsssssssss CAREFULLY..

wow.. nice curve??

SPECIAL species jellyfish?? O.O

the blue is nice.. but it looks kinda creepy??


This looks abit fake??

Whr is my ocean home?? Why is it all dry?? T.T

Lai lai.. BIG ikan masin.. who wans? who wans??

Another version of gold fish? This look cute.. lol

The description says this fish only gt 1 eye? and the eye looks like ours?? haha.. and dinosaur head?

Big head fish??

er.. eggs on ur body?? eeeeeeeee...

hmm.. underwater dinosaurs??

"huh... huh... i guess i drank too much water.. now let me out.."

"he..he... im as quiet as statue... u cant see me..."

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............. speechless..


eeeee bright bright eye!!

eeeeeeeeeeee!! kinda pretty?? lol

wahhh white stone fish??

"arrghhh.. my another body is coming outtttt......." O.O?

prawn head centipete body fish?? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee who wanna eat??

"WARRRHH!! i can bite off ur head!!" *scary fishhh @@""*

Conclusion : These are really weird fishes..

KAY!! that's all!! hope u guys enjoy the fishes!! and dun drool.. =D


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Another Post!!

and here's another post.. =D

If u wan a discount.. pls merajuk lol..

Wow... I wan to eat thr!!

A real SINGLE bed.. xD

A bench fr two humans..
1 human isnt allow to sit on this bench x.x

Cool hair cut?? O.O or he kena electric shock??

This is abit blur @@.. but whn i save this pic it isnt..
A special dog park in IKEA.. nice huh?? xD

A fast way to fix ur car in China..

LOL notice.. No fart pleeeeeasee...

The sun is TOO hot until the ice cream car melt.. kesian..

A special petrol house.. fr special humans.. lol..

a sport shoes car that move automatically.. it is good to run away if thr are gempa bumi?? lol

Key chains freak.. O.O

An accident that happened accidentally..

A Superhero DOG!! Grace!!!!! xD ur hero!! xD
(look carefully, the legs are in the clothes.. lol)

A way to prevent sumone from using it.. lol..


Dogs arent scarry bcz they bite.. but worry hw to feed thm whn they grow up.. O.O

Haizz this also blur lol
damn old monitor.. it's a miracle that it still can work gok..

only 1 motorbike.. but too many children.. O.O

A tree made of moneyy.. O.O

New post!!!!!!!!!!!

i go through website to find sumthing to post.. xD
and now finally i found sum quite interesting pictures:
The way to make a "ghost"
1st... thr always need a thing to make a "ghost".. the main thing is wires..

Then u use the wires to make a human shape........

After u done that.. put that "ghost" on a place... and go far far awayyyyyy...

And the resulttttttt

TAA DAA!!! alike onot?? if it's in the night... sure creeppyyy... wahaha..

That's all.. finally a post xD

Tag by Bibiana Teo Hua Ying

TAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by bibiana teo hua ying

10 Are Yous'
1. Are you single - yesss
2. Are you happy - ok larh
3. Are you bored - not really now..
4. Are you fair - not really
5. Are you italian - nope
6. Are you intelligent - nope
7. Are you honest - ok larh
8. Are you nice - see lorh..
9. Are you Irish - nope
10. Are you asian: yeshhhh

10 Random Facts
1. Full name - Angeline Lim Li Cin
2. Nicknames - dunno xD..
3. Birth place - Kuching
4. Hair Colour - black i think..
5. Natural hair style - normal lorh..
6. Eye colour - black..
7. Birthday - 13 Sep
8. Mood - ok ok
9. Fav colour(s) - Colours that look nice
10. One place you'd like to visit - wadever places..

10 Things About My Love Life.
1. Have you ever been in love - nope
2. Do you believe in love at first sight - not really..
3. Do you currently have a crush - no
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - no
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - dun think so..
6. Have you ever had your heart broken - nope
7. Have you ever liked someone without telling them - i think gt..
8. Are you afraid of commitment -depends
9. Who was the last person you hugged - my mom!!! xD
10. Who was the last person you said ily to - ily???

10 This Or Thats
1. Love or lost - love
2. Hard liquor or beer - dunno..
3. Cat or dog - Cat!!
4. A few best friends or alot of regular friends - both?? xD
5. Creamy or crunchy -crunchy
6. Pencil or pen - pencil can draw!! xD
7. Wild night out or romantic night out - dunno
8. Money or happiness - both
9. Night or Day - night
10. IM or phone - wad is IM ar?

10 'Have You Evers'
1. Been caught sneaking out - huh?
2. Seen a polar bear - in tv?
3. Done something you regret - i think so
4. Bungee jumped - NOOOOOOO
5. Ate food that fell on the floor - nope
6. Finish entire jawbreaker - nvr try it..
7. Been caught naked - baby times i think gt.. xD
8. Wanted an ex gf/bf back - nope
9. Cried because you lost a pet - yeahh..
10. Wanted to disappear - yeapp

10 Preferences In A Partner.
1. Eyes or smile - smile?
2. Light or dark hair - dunno
3. Kisses or hugs - hugs?
4. Shorter or taller - taller
5. Intelligent or attraction - both
6. Topman or Zara - wad u mean?
7. Funny or serious - funny whn it's time and serious whn it's time.. xD
8. Older or Younger - older
9. Outgoing or quiet - outgoing
10. Sweet or Bad - sweet larh.. dun wan bad @@

10 'Have Yous'
1. performed in front of a large crowd - whn very small? think so..
2. ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - think so?
3. ever walked on hands - nope
4. ever been to a rock concert - nope
5. ever been in a cherleading team - no
6. ever been in a dance team - very small time
7. ever been in a sports team - nope
8. ever been in a drama play/production - nope
9. ever owned a BMW/Mercedes Benz/Escalade/Hummer/Bently - wow.. no..
10. ever been in a rap video - nope.

10 'Lasts'
1. Last phone call you made - today..
2. Last person you hugged - my mom!!
3. Last person you hung out with - my family xD
4. Last time you worked - nvr work b4 T.T
5. Last person you talked to - my mom
6. Last person you IM'd - wad is IM? instant msg?
7. Last person you texted - 4gt..
8. Last person you went to a movie with - 4gt..
9. Last person/thing you missed - my tortoise!! Bon Bon.. miss it!!!!
10. Last website visited - this, facebook and utube..

I tag..
humans that are reading my blog now!!! xD
if ady do de redo!! xD

Friday, April 10, 2009

Today is Good Friday!!!


Ahma's Birthday!! Ahma u gt older and older horhhh... xD

Ahma here's a song dedicated to u!! Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday To YOU!!
You sound like CICAK!!
You look are BibiTo!!
You are our hope!!

Happy Birthday!!!! *clapclap*

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Now this post is dedicated to sum Babi Malays in a sch!!
And here's a story that happened in a school..
This school is truly nice to have sum cute animals come to visit..
But.... Those BABI MALAYS juz think they are TOO "COOL" or TOO "SHAT" to bully a poor animal SINCE they cant bully anyone else cz they are just TOO WEAK!!

I wonder wad's so fun about hitting animals and seeing the animals suffer??? Well but those MALAYS are jz babi so they cant understand huh.. Their brains are at their ASS anyway..

U GUYS ARE GOING TO PAY FOR IT!!! I wan u guys to HAVE THE PAIN 100 TIMES MORE OR 1000 MORE or 10000 MORE in HELL or in WORLD!!!!! U guys just dunno how it hurts to have STONES throw on u!!!


These words are given fr Babi Malays.. But i dun think u guys can understand it..
And these are the WORDS!!




didnt these words suit u guys well?? =]

P.S. To sum nice Malays, This is only fr Babi Malays, so pls dun mind this post if u dun think u are Babi Malays..

2day our school gt gotong-royong so we go home earlier.. since 2moro is ahma's bday.. so, cun cun gt a cat appear jz to wish ahma an advance happy bday!! XD..
The cat is like so damn cute but dunno why ahma and shin yean so scared of that CUTE LITTLE KITTY..
And they are so bloody scare of the humans' hands that touch the cat?? Shin yean still almost cry gok.. and keep beging me dun touch her.. @@ Though it's fun!!
LOL.. but still ahma, ur camera... full wif cat's DNA now.. WHEEEE!! xD

Here's a random vid..

P.S: nice job debbie, fr carrying the cat and scare ahma xD

Tips: Carry a cat or bring a dog if u wan to scare Bibiana Teo Hua Ying or Seah Shin Yean.. xD But u might make Shin Yean cry??

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Taa Daa~~!! Now this is dedicated fr ahma!!! ahma dun happy OVERSHOOT yaa.. knw u will b very happy xD..

This story starts wif ahma being so sad whn the person she loves died... that person is..

His smile... always remain in ahma's heart... whn ahma's heart is breaking, a cheerful human appear!! which makes ahma see sunshines again in her heart..

"I will bring u happiness!! I promise!!" Gai says..


They start their new life wif happiness!!

This is Ahma and Gai's happy picture..

JENG!! both happy smile!! The love Gai fr ahma and how happy ahma is.. xD

Ahma and Gai's Rock Lee!! A happy family of three humans!!!

Thats all!! Wish ahma has a happy family till the end wif gai and rock lee!!!


p.s: this post is to revenge the post that she wans to kek me!! xD


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