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Friday, July 24, 2009

Last week......

My frens always ask me to update my blog but i dunno wad to post le.. So my blog always comma.. XD. So i jz simply update abt last week barh... since last week alot of events going on.. X)..

15 July Thurs.

School sports day... i went fr prefects' duty.... to CLEAN.. haihz, cleaning very cham.. alot of humans simply litter 1... we also put plastic bags everywhr fr them to throw the rubbish but still alot of rubbish.. sum the rubbish bin so near also gt rubbish.. ><.. and sumwhr outside the stadium, whr kawat humans standby/training.. ALOT of rubbish!! and mostly is our school provide mineral waters ><..

*actually school sports day gt two days bt i only went fr 1st day.. phew i didnt go fr 2nd day, cz 2nd day need to help at the finishing line.. sure very tiring... XD

17 July Fri

Prefects' Night... prefects' night OK larh... only that not as fun as last yr.. the table humans thr all very siao 1.. XD we laughed alot and made alot of noise.. XD.. and we cr8 new recipe... according to joanne, thr are orange juice,lime,brokoli,2 types of chilli souce,vinegar,and some salty salty thing..bones and some tissues and number 132!! XD.. ohhh yaa and putit sing chinese song.. hahaha.. and danced.. o.O..

18 July Sat.

Shell Trafic Competition day.. that day we went thr soo early and do ntg.. we all crapping here and thr.. thn go cheer fr dee dee cz she gt pidato.. thn lunch we go sugarbun eat.. XD.. we compete at 3PM wif st 3.. bt grss end up lose.. T.T.. ohh well, it was fun!! XD.. btw, gratz to ariel and eve!! gt the best in paddle car harh and pejalan kaki!! XD.. and thn we need to stay under the very hot sun to hear those dunno who give speech gok.. haihz..

19 July Sun.
GB and BB enrollment day!! this is the 1st yr of 7th company GB enrollment and the 4th year i think fr BB dunno which company enrollmhent day!! sry i 4gt.. bt they wont read my blog de anyway.. XD that day i no performance or do wad.. jz see thm perform XD.. and see the colours march!! so shat!! (GB+BB) XD.. the enrollment actually ntg 1 lerh.. XD bt better larh.. 3rd company 1 no performance de.. XD..

and last week end like that.. bt i sick after that.. haihz and thn 4 days didnt go school.. sienz.. hope i will recover soon ><..


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