On your speaker if you want to listen :DD

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Anya Marina

I guess im addicted to her songs!!

Anya Marina

she sings the soundtrack of New Moon -- Satellite Heart..

This morning i went ot search for this song.. and there are only 0 view.. and now it increases to 1k+... and thr are lyrics ady!! so happy!! XD


So pretty so smart
Such a waste of a young heart!
What a pity what a shame
Whats the matter with you, man?

Dont you see its wrong cant you get it right?
Out of mind and outta sight
Call on all your girls, dont forget the boys
Put a lid on all that noise!

Im a satellite heart lost in the dark
Im spun out so far you stop, I start
But Ill be true to you
I hear youre living out of state, running in a whole new scene
They say i havent slept in weeks, youre the only thing i see

Im a satellite heart lost in the dark
Im spun out so far you stop, I start
But Ill be true to you
Im a satellite heart lost in the dark
Im spun out so far you stop I start

But Ill be true to you no matter what you do yeah Ill be true to you..

Not sure if this lyrics is correct onot.. cz i haven try to sing yet XD..

Other than this songs.. there are other songs that are nice!! Hear them at:


her sum songs cant find in utube.. so lerhh go myspace hear nicer.. her real account.. X)

and with a daily garfield strip (29/09/09) to end:

Jon: Never floss near a blender.
Garfield: You missed a spot...

*Goodnight.. x)*

Monday, September 28, 2009

School starts again after Raya Holiday..

Haihzz... now school starts again after i finally get into holiday mood!! T-T

I slept 2 hrs earlier yesterday than i did during holidays but lerhh end up VERY tired today..

But pheww.. Today, no TIRING Geo period!! cz the teacher went to meeting.. and i guess english teacher too?? dunno.. XD

Then lerhh we end up talking talking.. XD
Shin Yean asked Grace about how to play treasure hunt and Grace think out alot of clues for Shin Yean.. Next time need to think of any games jz ask Graceeeeee =D..

Science need to go science lab and teacher gave alot of exercises.. haihz.. and on the 20th Oct we gt exam and science we only until chapter 7.. so teacher need to rush.. zzz..

And then all the rest periods nothing special.. bt lerhh BC got go Makmal Komputer.. gt air-con, better larhh.. and BM teacher asked us to move back the tables.. but lerhh not the original lerhh!! sienz.. the most right side tables gt too many columns make that the 3rd row dun have link wif 4th row.. haihz.. hope morning session will change..

Then thats all...
Enjoy today garfield strip below!! XD

In Case cant see:
Garfield: Odie, would you please not stand so close to me?

*Hope that they will redraw and chg everything about the prefects chibi version.. =D*
**This end the usual day..**

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Daily Garfield Strips!!!!

In case cant see the dialogue:
2nd pic -- Jon: I'll make a deal with you.
3rd pic -- Jon: You don't splash me and I won't splash you.
4th pic -- Garfield: Agreed.

Hope you enjoy~!!

*naughty odie aka grace.. =DDDD*

Friday, September 25, 2009

1st time MBO!!

Today went to MBO with Ahma, Grace, Alfonsa, Cherlin, Dalia, Angel and the other three which i not sure the names.. *sorry >__<* At 1st we wan to watch 吓到笑 Where Got Ghost de.. but lerhh cz full ady.. so lerhh we chose to watch G-Force.. We cant watch Final Destination cz they say "Below 18 cannot.." =_____=""

G-Force.. about Guinea Pigs that are trained to have higher IQ.. and is going to save the world..

Darwin.. looks like is the ketua of the team.. X)

Blaster.. gives the name G-Force to the team.. XD

Juarez.. always will save Blaster from trouble de..

Hurley.. They meet him at the pet shop XD.. and then has a new name afterward, Rookie..

Speckles.. a mole.. but very pro at computer.. IQ is 100? if not mistaken.. XD

Mooch.. pro fly.. XD so called "eye in the sky"? xD

For me i think that G-Force quite nicee...
I dunno hw long the movie, think is 1 hr 45 mins like that.. XD
After we finish we go lepak around Spring and then eat ice creammm..
hahaha.. the photos all not nice so dun post haha.. (that's wad ahma said.. and i also agreee..) XD

*haha.. agree wif ahma about the awkward atmosphere wif diff schools humannss.. ><*

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Texas Holdem' Poker on Facebook..

hehe.. since im boring and dunno wad to post.. im going to post the application im siao-ing on Facebook XD..
Texas Holdem' Poker

at 1st i dunno how to play this application and i simply play.. but after my bro start to play this app, he teaches me how to play.. this game is almost like "dai di" also means 二大.. but only that the 2 isnt the biggest.. XD

At first they will give u 2 cards.. then u decide u wan to gamble how much in it.. after 1 round they will open 2-3 cards.. then u decide how much u wan to gamble in it again.. fold if u think u cant win then ur cards will b discard and all the money u ady gamble in cant return.. After 7 cards opened on the table.. they will decide who wins.. the 7 cards on the table own by all the player in the game and is visible by everyone.. Wins are decide by which cards' bigger.. and by the poker hands..

(if you knw hw to play dai di thn lerhh u will knw these things)

From the best to the worst 5 cards hands..
The left will b smaller than the right hands..

Straight Flush
the best and the hardest to got..

Straight flush means that all the 5 cards u have are in sequential order (Straight) and in the same suit (Flush)..

4 of a Kind

4 cards the same (rank) and 1 card different..

More Common Hands:

Full House

Full House means u got 3 cards same rank + 2 cards another same rank..


Flush are cards with the same suit..


Straight means that all 5 cards are in sequentical order..

Aces can either come before a 2 to start a straight or after a King to end a straight.

3 of a Kind

3 cards of a same rank but 2 other cards that is different..


2 cards of a same rank + another 2 cards of a same rank..

Easier Hands:

Pair (2 of a Kind)

2 cards of a same rank + other 3 different cards

High Card

your highest card is your hand. For example: 'high card ace' or 'high card queen'


In any hand that does not use all 5 of the player's cards, the highest leftover card is called the 'kicker'. The kicker is used to compare ties. In some cases the kicker may need to include your top two or three leftover cards (this would happen if both players had the same kicker).

The following hand is:
'a pair of 10s with a Jack kicker' or
'a pair of 10s with a Jack, Seven kicker'

If ur hand is the same as another player.. it is counted as Completely Tied.. and the money (pot) is split evenly...

*Pictures are found at Texas Holdem' Poker Helps..*

**The description can be found at Texas Holdem' Poker Helps too.. I just explain sum part.. XD..**

***Dun blame me if u bcome more "hin" after u read this post.. i just cr8 this post cz im boring..***

Monday, September 21, 2009

Another post!!! yay!!

just thought about what to update in blog.. and suddenly remember that last Saturday GB and BB seniors got watch 1 movie..
This Movie's name is Facing the Giants.. i think it is quite an old movie lerhh.. like when im small i saw this movie on tv.. XD

That time actually we thought got telematch.. then lerhh only juniors got telematch.. we watch movie..

At 1st they put the disc in laptop.. thn dunno why the laptop damn lagg.. the picture and sound lagging.. thn they change to DVD player.. but then the DVD player dun hav remote.. so we cant put got subtitles..

Then when we wait wait waittt so long for the credits to end.. and then when they finally start to talk.. we all blur there.. they speak UK english like aliens talking..

Then we all say dun understand blahh.. thn dunno they take whose laptop to play.. thn got subtitles.. but then when we watch watch watch.. suddenly black out!! but they say is not enough electricity.. but also that time raining.. thn lerhh we forward thn baru can watch good good..

the story quite nice..

Lazy write the synopsis so i just copy from WikiPedia:
enjoy the text, here u go..
Facing the Giants is the story of Grant Taylor, a mediocre high school football coach. After several years of failing seasons, the Shiloh Eagles are considering replacing him as head coach. This is not the only problem Taylor is facing; his car is breaking down, fathers of his team players are trying to get him fired, and he finds out he is the reason that his wife cannot become pregnant. In order to get his life, and football team, back on track, he realizes he must cry out to God for help. He creates a new coaching philosophy– he needs to praise God when they win, and praise God when they lose. From that point on, they lose only one game, and go on to win the State Championship by defeating the champion team, the Giants. After such fortune, his wife also becomes pregnant at last.

quite touching storyy.. when they won the last game.. the humans inside the movie clap hands and shout.. we here watching also clap hands.. though some humans just laugh awkwardly at us who clap our hands.. XD

*This movie let me know more about america football.. XD*


This holiday is veryyyyyyy


I think this holiday is the most boring liaoo.. dunno wad to do.. haihz...
Finish Gokusen 2 le....
Finish Lovely Complex manga le....
and now dunno wad to do le.....
This holiday weather very panas alsoo.. haihz..
make me wan to eat ice cream.... T T

*this post is only a boring post done by boring human...*

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another anime review!!

Since i said im going to try my best to update my blog more often and i dunno wad to post..



The anime is called Lovely Complex..
and i already watch this anime two times le!! XD..
This anime is really nice!!! XD

This anime is about a girl Koizumi Risa, who is taller than any average girls, and a guy, Otani Atsushi, who is shorter than any average guys, study in the same class in Maido Gakuen..
They both argue whn they talk and given nickname All Hanshin-Kyojin by their homeroom teacher..

At summer classes, Koizumi Risa fell in love in Ryoji Suzuki at first sight and then Otani Atsushi promise to help her with Ryoji Suzuki, as repay, Koizumi Risa help him wif Tanaka Chiharu..

But they gave up when Tanaka Chiharu and Ryoji Suzuki is in love with each other.. and then Suzuki confessed to Chiharu and they bcome couple..

Then Koizumi and Otani challenged each other to see who is faster to find a lover.. But as they get to know each other better, Risa's feelings for Atsushi begin to blossom, and her love life gets complicated from there...

Otani Atsushi

Koizumi Risa

Their height different.. at 1st year.. Risa is only 170cm.. but after 2nd year.. she grew 2cm and Otani only grew 2mm.. =.=

When they talk, mostly their timing same and lerhh their taste also same XD

When they are playing?? XD

Best couple.. i think XD
Risa's best friend Ishiharu Nobuko with Otani's best friend, Heikichi Nakao..

Tanaka Chiharu and Ryoji Suzuki..

All Hanshin-Kyojin.. means comedian (owarai geinin)
*but they are not, only give that nickname by their homeroom teacher..*

Their rap idol, Umibouzu..
dunno why they like him so much

When they are at Umibouzu's concert..

When they met Umibouzu... XD

Left: Kotobuki Seiko.. Real Name: Kotobuki Seishiro.. who is "biologically male" (get this phrase from WikiPedia.. who has large crush on Otani Atsushi..
Right: Fukagawa Haruko.. who has a childhood crush on Koizumi Risa cause Risa defended him from other bully..

New characters:

Yoshioka Mimi.. 170cm... Neighbour of Otani Atsushi.. who likes Otani since they first met.. she brings milk for Otani Atsushi everyday hoping he will grow taller and choose her as girlfriend..

Kazuki Kohori.. 2cm taller than Otani, huge fan of Umibouzu too.. works part time with Koizumi and likes Koizumi..

Then this post end!!! XD..


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