On your speaker if you want to listen :DD

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


ehemm... cant think of anything to post on blog but it's not like i got anything to do online.. XD

Today is the 2nd week of Tuesday after the school starts and OHH wow.. time FLyyyyy~~~~ so fast it's like only a blink of eyes and then huh? 2nd week? OMG..

and this week baru is the 1st time in 2010 our ERT teacher finally come and she said that we can use Jan to finish the kerja khusus that we didnt finish on Form 1..

I got my form 1 kelim that i done it but i dun dare to pass it up to teacher cz it's too late ady and then now i dunno whr is it and i dunno wad i need to do with the kelim or where to find the kain le.. hmmm.. so what to do?? XD

uhhh huhh..

ohh and i think...

this week Monday and Tuesday were NICE without Maths teacher and her SOO MANNYY de homeworks.. =DDDDD
so Mon and Tues i can sleep and watch movie and relax more than last week that is going to drive me crazy with lots of Maths hmwk.. hehheh..

and and my avatar i've downloaded it last week and until now i dun hav the time to watch it.. haha because it is 2 hrs and 30 mins long.. ( knw it from ahma x] ) and my family all watch ady.. :(
Now i also wan to see can download Vampire Assistant or Sherlock Holmes onot.. i wan to watchh!! =DDDD

hahhah.. but for now i need to go to sleep early tonight and wake up early 2moro for Avatar.. XD
hmm 10.44PM not counted early liao horhh.. so gonna off now.. XD


I hope the weekend come soon but the time dun FLyyyyyy so fast.. :'(

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year.. New Challenges...

Think it is quite long time since i last blog le.. hmm nvm dun rmb when.. XD

This year im in 3B and alot humans from mix classes de that sum i ever meet bt nvr talk or sum i dun even knw who de.. wahaha.. and got transfer student that ahma knw will transfer de, Gabby.. scare spell wrong her real name so nick better.. XDD

This year is Form 3 lerhh and more things to do.. the teacherS always tell us.. "You are in FORM THREE now and not FORM TWO or ONE so dun play around like those form 1s and form 2s.." or "You are in FORM THREE B, a good class so we expect you to get good result blahh.." but im SURE that 3A get more stress than us.. =DDD

Form 3 really is diff.. the homeworks soo many.. T_____T but lerhh i think Form 2 also same larhh.. just that form 2 i always copy from Shin Yean nia.. =X hahahaha..

The homeworks arr.. go home, jiak, bath blahh and then jz do finish 1 subject homework niaa ady 10.30 or 11.00 pm.. O.O

So morning gotta wake up at 7.00am and then brush my teeth, breakfast and iron my clothes ady 8.30am liaoo.. then do homeworks.. where got time to online liaoo... and where got time for ANIME liaoo.. T______T

but lerhhh even though alot homeworks.. i will still find SOME time to online.. mcm today.. kekeke..

kay larhh.. now only wan to post about how izit whn school start... heh heh..

Ohh.. and i hope ERT gt more periods.. XD

Rush for homeworks.. Rush when prepare for school..

Rush when blogging.. XD

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Anime Review~~

Feel boring and dunno what to do so i think mayb i'll post about anime. :DDD
Another anime review!! think u guys knw lerhh cz i've been talking about this anime on the last post? XD

The Girl who Leap Through Time (Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo)

The town of the anime.. u go down the hill and then there's a train road..

the synopsis i lazy write so i just copy from wikipedia.. XDD

Konno Makoto , a girl attending high school in Tokyo's shitamachi, realizes she has the power to go back in time and re-do things (called a "time-leap") when she impossibly avoids a fatal accident at a train crossing one day.

Bewildered, she consults with her aunt throughout the film, who is implied to be Kazuko Yoshiyama, the protagonist of the original novel. At first, Makoto uses her power extravagantly to avoid being tardy and to get perfect grades on tests, and even relive a single karaoke session for about ten hours. However, things begin to turn bad as she discovers how her actions can adversely affect others.

The three friends since they are in middle school..
left to right: Mamiya Chiaki, Konno Makoto, Tsuda Kousuke
In the anime Chiaki ever confessed to Makoto but lerhh Makoto turned back the time and avoid his confession.. :(
I wan Chiaki wif Makoto.. XD

And in the anime there's a sentence:

"Time waits for No One.." :))

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy new year 2010!!

Just yesterday is 31st December 2009.. and today it's 1st January 2010.. It's hard to believe that time pass so fast.. feels abit sad but it's a Happy New Year!! so i should be happy.. =DD

From pre-school till 2009.. i always write 01/01/00 till 31/12/09 but this year, it's not gonna be 09 but 10.. it's abit weird.. but i knw i will get use to it someday.. XD

2009 was so fun that i think that time pass very fast for that year.. i made more frens and play alot.. and im very happy that my frens are with me all the time on 2009 and hope we will always be together forever.. =))
but time just wont stop and keep going on.. now that im form 3 and i cannot be that playful like form 2 anymore.. :(
This reminds me of a sentence from the anime The Girl who Leap Through Time (Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo):

"Time waits for no one.." :]]

For this year 2010 i wish that it will be fun and filled with good memories with my frens and my family.. x))

Let us make us make more wonderful memories this year and face all challenges that are coming positively..
make more frens and earn more.. ;]
And be sure to take care of health!! =DD

At last~ i wish everyone

Happy 2010!! xDDDDDD


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