On your speaker if you want to listen :DD

Saturday, September 11, 2010

诗歌朗诵比赛 vs SQUIBY (FINAL - Got PWNed!! XDDD)

HAHA!!! I got pwned at the competition!! XD
The people at 独中 really too geng le.. hahahaha.. and theirs teachers even went there to continue membimbing them.. They have music, enough practice blahhh...
And their music really ngam their poem.. sooo niceee!! XDDD

Now I think of it, it is really funny of me to think i can win them with just one day practice.. XDD hahaha
I 4got lines at the back and think that cut me marks.. haha!

I am kinda frustrated, haha so next year must join again and prepare nicely and give it my best shot!! And I will practice for real! :)

Haha.. kay this post is mostly for me to complain but it was kinda fun larh.. seeing others soo geng.. XD and myself get intimidated! But luckily I am the 1st 1 to go so I only feel intimidated after I perform.. hahaha

hahaha in case u will get tired of me complaining, I will start saying about other things.. xD

ahaha.. and I got addicted to Squiby today again, clicking and adopting more stuffs.. XD
And I can't wait to see them growing into 2nd stage or 3rd stage and so on!!! :DDDD

If you feel like helping (PLEASE!) click any of them that you can find in my blog, or click on my avatar down here

Click Me!

THANKS! Your click is utmost appreciated! XD

So now, I gotta concentrate on my studies and Good Luck to you guys too in your studies!! :)

诗歌朗诵比赛 vs SQUIBY

LOL..  13hours left until the competition...
I haven't really tried to "perform" from the start until the end..

OMG.. and I hope i will perform OKAY-LY 2moro.. ><

and then.. I found a VERY NICE website!!!! :DDDDD

It's called Squiby hahaha...
It's especially nice for anime lovers, or graphic lovers.. XDD
and pro-s (talented humans) all go in there and earn money by creating squiby-ies and human like me just go in there and "adopt" all theirs cute squiby-ies!! :DDD

Squiby is something like this:

1. You go to the website, http://squiby.net/index.php
2. Register
3. Start to adopt those cute things!!! XDDD
Click Me!

Click Me!

  These are katekyo ones!! xD
4. There are levels under each of them, and you click them daily to make them level up.
5. Of course, if you click it yourself you can't level up them that fast, so you get helps from your friends!!! and YOU TOOO!!!! If you want.. XDD hahahaha
6. Some squiby-ies have different stages. They change when they reach some levels... So it's interesting to see them evolve.. haha!! :)

Squiby is fun and u are welcome (PLEASE) click mine so they will level up (and change)!!! :DDD

This is my avatar!!! Cute horh? But sadly that is not my creation.. :)

Click Me!

and i 4got all about my 诗歌朗诵比赛...


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