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Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year, New changes..

Time passes even though we want it to stop..
And now 2010 just ended with a new start of 2011 new year...

Ngehehehe!!! Everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! :DDD

Well, my new start for 2011 year isn't that well.. :( so I hope that the rest of the year should be VERY GOOD! haha!

I really hope that time will stop and won't pass.. Seeing time passes and we're going to be adults soon is scary.. It's like my heart isn't ready for it yet.. I still want to be playful, innocent, childish.. ;D
But if we don't grow to be serious, responsible, mature then we won't survive the adult's world.. :O
Wonder if I'm changing already? Because last time heard someone said I seem mature.. wahaha..
Changing is hard, I hope I can change towards a good way.. 

But nothing to worry one larh! I know I got my precious Family's and Friends' support, HORH? XD

For the new year, everyone I hope you are always healthy and HAPPY and always live strongly to face this life.. and LOVE IT.. :D
I hope that this new year, all the bad things will finally end and I can always be strong and optimistic to face everything in 2011 year!

Everyone! Enjoy ur life in 2011 year!! Live it fully with no regrets kay? lalala.. XD

Got from my sis's friend de.. He took that.. NICE horh? cz very nice then I post here.. ngehehe, he won't know one larh.. XD Still, as you can see, that's taken by a guy name Steven.

 Selamat Tahun Baru! Happy New Year! 新年快乐!明けましおめでとうございます!bonne année! seh heh bok mani bat uh seyo! feliz año nuevo! sawatdii pimaï! :D


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