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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tagged by my Ah ma aka Bibiana Teo Hua Ying

[01] Name: Angeline Lim
[02] Nickname: ermm.. An Zhe Lin, Lin Zhe An, Anlene, Majelin, Mah De Lin, Majerin...bla..
[03] Married: nope
[04] Zodiac Sign: Virgo
[05] Gender: Female
[06] Age: 13
[07] High School: SMK Green Road
[08] University: still young!! XD
[09] Height: dunno
[10] Weight: dunno
[11] Do you like yourself: yupp..
[12] Piercings: ear piercings??
[13] Right or left: Right
[14] Are you a freak: dunno.. mayb. XD
[15] Hair: black
[17] Allergic: dunno lerh..
[18] What are you doing now: this and chatting..
[19] What will you do 1 hour later: dunno
[20] What will you do 10 years later:still study gua..

[21] Live with mother/father/parents: mom!!! ^^
[22] Siblings(included you): 5
[23] Eldest: my sis
[24] Youngest: ME!! good to b the youngest~~ hahas
[25] Love/hate your family: love~~

[26] You found your another half: nope
[27] If yes, who is he/she: ------
[28] If no, who you want he/she to be: dunno lerh
[29] Time(s) you in relationship: none
[30] Ever woo boy/girl(0-100000): woo??
[31] Anyone woo you before(0-100000): woo???
[32] Did anything wrong to your other half: no other half.. =.=
[33] What was/were the wrong you had done: hhmmm...
[34] Ever argue with your other half: ==
[35] You with your other half since: =="""
[36] Are you straight/Lesbo: straight.. duh..
[37] Reasons you love your other half: ==""""""
[38] You and your other half in which stage: =="""""""
[39] You woo-ed her/him or he/she woo you: ""=="""""""
[40] Ever think of marry he/she: """"==""""""

[41] Your first best friend: errrr..
[42] Your first enemy: first arr?? who lerh??
[43] The friend you love the most: love all~~ XD
[44] The enemy you hate the most(1only): who..??
[45] Your most beautiful girl friend: ermm...
[46] Your most handsome guy friend: ermm??
[47] The kind of girl.woman you hate the most: bitch.. hahas
[48] The kind of boy/man you hate the most: ermm??
[49] You fall in love with your close friend before: nope
[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover: no..
[51] If your friend backstab you: haiz..
[52] If your friend betray you: haiz..
[53] If your friend woo your lover: ???
[54] If your friend fall in love with you: ermmm??
[55] If you fall in love with your best friend:....

[56] Are you a good student: last time.. XD
[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments: last min ><""
[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most: primary school's teachers!!
[59] Always late to school/college: sumtimes.. if car gt prob XD
[60] Your class: ??
[61] You love your seniors: err..
[62] Senior who you love the most: dunno lerh..
[63] Your classmates good/bad: gt good and bad.. XD
[64] Excellent result classmate: Emily!!
[65] Laziest classmate: ermm??

[66] Smart people: take life too seriously (ah ma de ans) good ans XD
[67] Stupid people: are not stupid if they wan to change
[68] Good looking people: are arrogant
[69] Ugly people: no ugly ppl de..
[70] Funny people: hahas..
[71] Cute people: cute
[72] Bad people: hope they will change
[73] Honest people: good
[74] Acting people: hhmm..
[75] You are what kind of people: errr??
[76] Lip or eyes: eyes
[77] Hugs or kisses: hugs
[78] Shorter or taller: shorter T_T
[79] Hesitant or spontaneous: errr??
[80] Nice stomach or nice arms: errr??
[81] Listener or talker: listener gua??
[82] Romantic or rich: err??
[83] Good wife or Good mother: both

[84] Age to get marry: 25+??
[85] Numbers of kid(s): dunno
[86] Career: Millionaire maybe Billionaire (hahas)
[87] Salary: high
[88] Retirement age: dunno
[89] Properties value: ha?
[90] Wishes: many

[91]Anyone who see this and feel like to tag this XD


Shin Yean said...

tagged again...eh..bibiana teo so fast ar..tis afternoon pai de photo then tis night she put on blog liao ..lolx..


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