On your speaker if you want to listen :DD

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Just wan to post about it!!

I knw Christmas passed already but i just wan to post the pictures from tHe Spring.. The trees, the snowman, the santa.. niceeeee.. =DDDD hahaha

Hope u enjoy lorhh..:

nice marhh?? too bad thr's a rubbish bin thr.. XD

I like the decor for the treeeeee.. XD

 The dancing santa.. the 1st  one look very real that it is abit creepy.. but wif the songs, very nice larh.. XD

snowman!!! and the reindeer at the right picture.. see it?? the white little 1.. =D

Gingerbread house by Gingerbread House!!! yuuumm... x))))) or it's not? cz it got ginger in it.. XD
But very nice.. haha

Christmas tree!! XD

The castle and igloos!! XD ohh there's sumone take picture of the castle too.. =DDD

At the ground floor.. these things are floating on the water.. nice right? XDDD

I wan to post this post on Christmas but too bad Christmas my computer got problem.. :(
haha.. so now baru post.. XD
Had fun take picture that day at tHe Spring using my bro's phone wahahaha..

Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Computtterrrrr.....~~

My bro on Christmas eve dl-ed sumthing and make my computer's files collide tiok.. so lerhh cant go in desktop.. so gotta bring to repair.. :(
but actually my bro repaired liaoo.. jz that didnt tell my mom repaired hou le.. T_T 

Then Christmas eve until now boh computer to use.. blog also hard.. :(
i wan to blog about christmas and winter solstice lerhh.. but all the pictures in the computer so lerhh mayb next time baru upload.. XD

Then now sumthing random:-
My dashboard

hahaha.. i 4gt that shin yean got chg link so i always keep the old one and think why shin yean no update blog.. -__________-||||

then after rmb baru go see her blog update so many larhh.. XD
now knw lerhh then rajin abit go remove old links and add new de.. XD

Randomm~~ :]]

Saturday, December 19, 2009

At spring with my family..

YaY.. ytd went to Spring with my mom and my sis..

We 1st eat at Kim Bay.. then when we went inside tHe Spring, we 1st saw the dancing and singing Santa..

Kinda creepy but funny.. XD.. too bad no picture of him/it.. XDDD

Then there's a human copying the santa's dancing.. haha.. his dancing look almost just like the santa's but just that the santa's fatter..

Then went to Parkson to buy my next year school's accessories and walk around tHe Spring, eat ice cream.. blahh.. XD

Spring is nicee.. there gt igloos and white castle mmg got the Christmas mood.. ^o^

Hope i got a camera then can take many pictures.. XD

Found a reindeer horns and make me think of Chopper.. ^__^

"Tanuki janai, tonakai n' da"

Friday, December 18, 2009

My blog.. revive??

Saw this and think gonna use this to blog.. ^_-

This clover make me think tiok my blog.. XD
mcm my blog that's always sleeping and finally wake up when i come back to update~ =DD

But still cant think of anything to post.. >____<

Will try to keep my blog alive/awake larh..

Ganbaaree~~!! =))

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dedicated to Garfield aka Ahma.. =DD

Just read these comic strips.. and think mayb suit ahma's wishlist post.. XD

Jon: Isn't your christmas list to Santa sent yet?
Garfield: It's a big file.

Garfield and Odie.. XD

*Just Garfield Comic Strip.. =DDDDD


grrrr.. i cant think of anything to post in blog le..

My head wan burst thinking wad to post.. xD

Mayb i should just turn my blog to anime blog.. wahaha.. then sure alot of things to post.. X)

Wonder how others gt so many ideas.. or mayb hols ntg to do then my brain rust liao..
Any ideas wad to post?? ^_^

And ahma so rajin 1 day update 1 post like that.. xD..
But mayb if update blog things like songs i more rajin than update the posts..

Now i only post things that comes to my mind and i think the sentences all cant link de.. wahaha..
Cz ahma said my blog masuk coffin le.. and fonsa said my blog actually masuk tanah liaoo.. T_______T

So b4 my blog suffocate and die, i gotta dig it out and post sumthing.. xD

Mayb Saturday will got sumthing to post.. cz going 游行 for christmas carol...

p/s: "In order to comply with YouTube's Terms of Service we have been asked to no longer stream audio without showing the full video." sienz now the songs all need to have a player that show video.. cant have small player liaoo.. =.=

*Just A short post.. -___________________-


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