On your speaker if you want to listen :DD

Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Computtterrrrr.....~~

My bro on Christmas eve dl-ed sumthing and make my computer's files collide tiok.. so lerhh cant go in desktop.. so gotta bring to repair.. :(
but actually my bro repaired liaoo.. jz that didnt tell my mom repaired hou le.. T_T 

Then Christmas eve until now boh computer to use.. blog also hard.. :(
i wan to blog about christmas and winter solstice lerhh.. but all the pictures in the computer so lerhh mayb next time baru upload.. XD

Then now sumthing random:-
My dashboard

hahaha.. i 4gt that shin yean got chg link so i always keep the old one and think why shin yean no update blog.. -__________-||||

then after rmb baru go see her blog update so many larhh.. XD
now knw lerhh then rajin abit go remove old links and add new de.. XD

Randomm~~ :]]


→『 biБi°メBIBIメ° Ъibi 』← said...

when u watch anime more more more rajin arh xD

The line said...

of course.. XDDDDD

Shin Yean said...

hahaha...sorry ya...


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