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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gerak Gempur, GG make me want GG liaoo.. T__T

hei hei.. XD

today is the 1st day of Gerak Gempur aka GG..
ehh wait, 2nd day le.. XD now 12.06am

still i want to wish every form 3s GOOD LUCK!! GAMBATTE!!!

Study good good, don't be like me.. XD
last minute study, then i cant muat the knowledges into my brain now.. :(
well, wait morning come then learn again barh.. XD

ytd de GG i ady feel wan GG le.. :(
Bullets use so many.. XD
and i dun hav watch so dunno the time sibeh kin tio.. XD

hahaha.. this is the balasan of students who don't study.. xD

my sister transfer the photos i took using her phone.. xD
i like it so i want post it!! XD

Guess where is this?? xD

topeng ki.. :( lazy chg back.. xD

the word 'relax' aren't so relax-like huh.. xD



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