On your speaker if you want to listen :DD

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy BIrthdayyy!!!

Today is the birthday of my daughter, Shian Mei!!!
Happy Birthday!!!
I hope u had a really nice and happy celebration with ur family~!! :DDD

hahaha.. *thinking back*
hmm.. really happy and happy that last year you sit at the back seats of me and Shin Yean ... :DDDD
Barulah we can know each other more.. =)

At 1st in Form 1 when see tiok Shian Mei.. i think that she's
really Cute!!
a really nice human.. XD

Then after i know her more.. i can conclude that she's
really really cute!!! XD
very kind!!
care alot for her friends~~
really cheerful girl~!
really helpful~
a really nice daughter!! =DDD

I'm glad to know u!!! =DDD

Happy Birthday!! hahahaha this cake look nice horhh~~

Really hope u had a NICE birthday even though it's at exam week.. xD
but Sunday can really relax also right? ;)

Happy happy Birthday~~ =DDD

Pacman Addict!!!

hehhh.. I think everyone knows that Google had a new icon pic/game..

and it's of course.. for Pacman 30th anniversary!!! *yay*

hahaha.. it's been a long time since i last play Pacman!! even now i enjoy playing so much~!!! ;]
did you guys try it?? XD

I play it everytime i open my Google Chrome.. or when i let my anime load~

hehheh.. when they turn blue then i can eat them!!!! *mum mum*

they gangbang me!!!!! unfair~ like this sure cant run liaooo.. T_________T


But of course.. also got win!! ehhee.. V^___^

Think this is my highest score.. but si kiao kiao T___T.. hahahaha

Had lots of fun wif Pacman!!!! ;DDD

P/s: Press the Insert Coin 2 times slowly to have another MsPacman!!! and control wif W, S, A, D~ =DD

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Music Notes!!!

Hmm.. I was designing the GB T-shirt just now.. xD

Then then.. i go google to find some cute music notes.. xDD cz i wan to draw LOTS of them in the t-shirt.. no larhh not really a LOT.. haha..

THen i saw ALOT cute pictures that i cant help but save them all down.. XP.. hahahhaha
so i think of my blog (which is dying again).. so come and blog about them!! the cute music notes!! xD

Music notes are like "alien language" for me.. cz i dont understand them at all.. T____T


Because they are so cute.. xD and niceeee.. =DDD hahaha

I wantt!!!! XD

Music is love.. and I LOVE MUSIC!!!  ♪ ♫ ♥

Sadly.. i dunno how to playy... musical intruments... xD

But they are so niceeee.. i still love music.. xD

What are they called?? xD


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Life Model? XD

hahaha.. last night go Cutting Edge for a hair cut!! and it's free!! XD

My sis's boyfren is Cutting Edge punya hairdresser, then the 老板娘 want to have a training session for all the staff of Cutting Edge... XD
Then they need to find a LIFE model to cut their hair for training hahaha...
My sis cannot go bcz the tauke dun let my sis be.. hahaha then i go lorhh.. XD

Went there to tHe Spring de Colors+Colors (if not wrong for the name XD) at 8.45 or 9.00 like that..
That is my 1st time to step the shop ahhaa.. Inside quite nice lerhh the design.. i like the veryyy inner place there where the mirror are sticked to the wall nia.. xD then got old classical lamps between the mirror.. Then i sit beside two children cars.. xD so shuang arr i wan to sit on the children's car (seat) xD
Then.. need to fill wad form like that.. say the hair actually is how de.. the head is how de..
Then i know my head is oblong shape de.. then still got wad density of hair blahh.. @@ hahaha

Wash hair is the worst!! hahaha i cant tahannnnn!! very ticklish!! XD i laugh non stop and all gooesbumps.. XD the 1st time i go for hair cut also like that.. but 1st time must tahan.. if no the human will think i siao.. XD
But 2nd de the hairdresser is my sis's bf so nvm just laugh.. hahahahaha XD

Then after that still need to pin the hair to sectionsss... hahaha gt 1 is like part my hair into 2 equal like that.. then pin the hair both sides.. i look like kindergarten kid ki.. xD then part the upper back then lower back? hahaha

Then the 老板娘 come and see see then use the marker pen write things on the mirror.. blah blah things that i dont understand.. xD

Then she check the hair gt put in correct section onot.. still need to be very chun for my head like that.. @@
then she start to cut my lower back hair.. then say something like "short to long" "long to short" "T for parting" heheheh cut hair also need to have so many knowledge
hin sii.. xD

The hairstyle mcm very hard to cut like that.. like u pull the hair here cut then will be like how.. or u comb wrong will be how.. blahhhhhh.. hahahaha so then it took like 2 and a half hours i think.. xD

But between the 2 and a half hours got stop awhile to ask the 老板娘 how to cut or ask her check like that... xD
Kinda tired hahaha cz need to sit there until my neck and shoulder hurt.. xD

My hair now very short le.. xD and the hairstyle is called Graduated Bob.. hahaha why horh? look like graduated hat?? XDXD

hmm kinda regret didnt take pictures.. hahaha cz this is like once in a lifetime punya 1.. though very tiring..
But wad thing make me think is once in a lifetime?? O.o hahahaha


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