On your speaker if you want to listen :DD

Friday, September 19, 2008

Tagged by my Ah ma aka Bibiana Teo Hua Ying

1. What's your favourite sweet?
~ sweets

2. What's your favourite subject?
~ Hmm.... depends on how hard it is... XD

Who did you last talked to in person?
~ My sis

4. you missing someone right now?
~ Now....no...

5. Do you want him or her back or to be with you now?
~ Huh? Who?

6. Who do you want to meet?
~ Anime ppl!!! lolzz

7. What's your favourite food?
~ Food that human-beings can eat

8. Who do you hate the most?
~ shh.... XP

9. How many pink shirts do you have?
~ Er... one or two??

10. How many shorts do you have?
~ Errmm.... Lazy to count..

11. Do you like going out with your family?
~ Yupp!! n.n

12. Where was the last place you went to eat with your family?
~ Errm...Jalan Song!!

13. What's your phone model?
~ Nokia 2600

14. What's your status now?
~ Single

15. Riddle: If you have a bathtub filled wif water, and you are given a spoon, fork and bucket, what will you use to empty the bathtub?
~ Pull the thingy out so the water will flow away.... (dun know how to say that thingy....cork?? O.O)

16. If your boyfriend or girlfriend dates another girl or guy other than you.. What would you do?
~ Well.... Choose me or her? Now. lolzz

17. What do you find most attractive? jewelry or fluff balls?
~ Fluff balls

18. Are you happy with your exam results this term??
~ Nope

19. What was your average for your last term exam?
~ 77 sumthing

20. What would you give to your lover on your anniversary?
~ ???

21. Do you hate what you've done to your last ex?
~ No ex

22. Do you feel like killing him or her for dumping you/ do you feel like dying after being dumped?
~ .....

23. Who was the last person or last thing you hugged or slept with?
~ Last thing i hugged and slept with was my blanket...

24. Do you recently get presents from guys or girls?
~ My Best Friend!!

25. Do you like guys or girls that you don't know of chasing you?
~ .....O.O......... wad?

26. How does it feel being single or in a relationship?
~ Being single is good

27. What's your favourite colour?
~ White the most... and other colours...

28. Do you like swimming?
~ I dunno how to swim =X

29. Where is the place that you would dream to visit?
~ Around the world...(except for terrorist's place...)

30. Are you answering this survey truthfully?
~ Yupp..

~Grace Ong Sing Ling aka my nenek moyang
~Seah Shin Yean aka Ms Cobra (Dun angry... lolzz)
~Anyone who saw this msg... lol..


Shin Yean said...

What is this actually ????

The line said...

U juz copy all, and then read the questions, then answer it...

☆ grAc3 ☆ said...

angeline ahh!!!
hiaya very lazy 2 do leh

The line said...

I dun care XP...
nvm larh.. if u dun wan then no need do lorh...
But u so rajin go update ur blog everyday... XP


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