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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

To Release Stress

Found The I Cannot Tahan List in Naomi and Grace's blog.. =D.. think it is quite fun doing this since i dun hav anything to post XD..

1. I cant tahan so many new animes are hentai!!

2. I cant tahan whn the publisher simply make anime and fast fast end it!!

3. I cant tahan emo..

4. I cant tahan ppl that hate poser SO MUCH.. you never pose anyone b4 merh?? hate thm so much means u hate urself too.. =P

5. I cant tahan i have broken english!

6. I CANT tahan ppl laugh at my broken english!! I know my english sucks.. But if u ever speak broken chinese im going to laugh at u in ur whole life!!

7. I cant tahan ppl that cant stand jokes and get angry easily..

8. I cant tahan ppl that are SO SO SO SHOWING OFF and look down at others..

9. I cant tahan ppl that examine sumone from head to toes and make a disgust face!!

10. I cant tahan teachers that is unreasonable and simply marah students even they are not wrong..

11. I cant tahan ppl who dunno me well enough and go and judge me everywhr!!

12. I cant tahan ppl who ignore my "hi" and questions and that make me look like siao human talk to myself @@

13. I cant tahan mail that write "If u do not post this mail in wadever min, u will have bad luck in 5 yrs" or "ur parents will have accident 2moro" GRR.. hope the one who make this mail fall into a longkang!!

14. I really cant tahan the light in my bathroom always spoil after repair and it is SO DARK in night!!

15. I cant tahan that i will do sumthing that i hate.. X.X

16. I cant tahan ppl who dont appreciate their life.

17. I cant tahan ppl who dun respect their parents.

18. I cant tahan when i always think of alot of things that make me cant go to sleep @@

19. I really cant tahan that im not rich!! I wan to b rich!!

I think nothing else to post le.. mayb if gt more post agn.. keke.. this is good to release ur stress.. XD



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