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Monday, June 15, 2009

1st day of school 2nd semester!!

Today is the 1st day of school 2nd semester!!
And go school see cacat results!!! wheee!! :D
and today is the WORST DAY!! grrr..

the start of the day still ok... badminton, go library talk talk talk, laugh laugh laugh, thn the library teacher sure beh song me de.. too bad she was my english teacher last yr, so she knw my name bt dunno ahma's.. not fair T.T..
whn i go chase after my tie in the library, the teacher said, angeline arhhh.. -.-//

Duty is the same.. SOOO HOTT ARR!! especially now June le.. cant tahan July and August!!
think im going to faint anytime whn im dutying xD..

and thn whn class start the 1st is english liaoo..
my english still ok larhh.. bt can say my score drop.. T.T sad..
and thn... GEO!! uhh.. very cacat... haizzzz... drop till very cham haha..
thn science... drop..
BM... hmmm.... 4gt my current score.. and last time's score.. aiyaa BM dun care larh.. xD.. as long as dun fail.. wahaha..
chinese teacher no come.. sienz.. no exam paper take.. nvm.. thn gt least corrections today.. wahaha..
uhh maths... still ok.. bt i 4gt my last maths test's marks.. xD

I manage to finish uhh, geo and BM correction nia.. still gt science and maths.. tot i can finish it once i reach home.. but i waited fr so long still my car didnt come.. thn i go call thm baru knw our car QAD PROTON SAVVY brk down T.T.. haizzz.. ady knw savvy lauya le larhh at 1st haha.. thn lerhh my brother walk come pick me to the opposite shell's petrol station (4gt the name ><) cz our car manage to drive to thr....pheww.. thn my mom start the car bt the car tremble sooo hardd and always 死火.. haizz.. thn lerhh my bro called his frens see who can help bt no one can help so my mom called my uncle thn lerhh he said he will come at 8.30.. thn lerhh we eat at lao li cafe thn waitttttttttttttttttttttttttt soooooo longgggg timeeeeeeee in the car... and damn hot gok.. bt i gt my handmade "fan" xD.. we wait till 9 like that baru my uncle come thn lerhh he said savvy he cant check wad's wrong cz savvy need computer to check de.. STUPID SAVVY!!! T.T.. thn he force the car to start and bring us back.. the car always 死火 on the way back.. fortunately no cars drive madly and BOOOMM crash on us.. if no mayb byebye liaoo.. haha.. haizz my time all waste on waitingggg thr.. and i fell down whn i go open the door fr my brother jz now.. the slippers mayb no that thing under liaoo.. haih.. bt i think mayb the floor also gt water and slippery i dun hurt much wahaha..

and i hope 2moro gt car go school lorhh.. cz my mom's going to bring it to service 2moro morning.. xD

that's all fr my today.. hope 2moro better luck.. in exam's results too.. T.T



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