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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pacman Addict!!!

hehhh.. I think everyone knows that Google had a new icon pic/game..

and it's of course.. for Pacman 30th anniversary!!! *yay*

hahaha.. it's been a long time since i last play Pacman!! even now i enjoy playing so much~!!! ;]
did you guys try it?? XD

I play it everytime i open my Google Chrome.. or when i let my anime load~

hehheh.. when they turn blue then i can eat them!!!! *mum mum*

they gangbang me!!!!! unfair~ like this sure cant run liaooo.. T_________T


But of course.. also got win!! ehhee.. V^___^

Think this is my highest score.. but si kiao kiao T___T.. hahahaha

Had lots of fun wif Pacman!!!! ;DDD

P/s: Press the Insert Coin 2 times slowly to have another MsPacman!!! and control wif W, S, A, D~ =DD



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