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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Study = Fail..?

Today is so shuang.. no Girls' Brigade and i got a whole afternoon to do... NOTHING!! haha ><

But my reason to get study leave is not for me to do nothing lorhh.. gotta study... XD But it is very hard to change my lazy mode to study mode ehh.. If there is a button for me to press to change to STUDY MODE.. XD

I should really start to study already.. XD But what should i study 1st??

hehh.. these ones look more interesting right? XD i guess...

Ohh... everyone should not study until like this ohh.. XD haha

haha ohh well, everyone GOOD LUCK IN UR STUDY!!!!! ;DDDDDD


Shin Yean said...

AND U DIN GO TO TUITION ALSO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

→『 biБi°メBIBIメ° Ъibi 』← said...

DONT study :P

The line said...

haha.. paiseh paiseh shin yean.. XD
dun study then die arr.. XD future depends on this? ;D

Shin Yean said...

then study lorh..

The line said...

hahaha.. XD trying to.. XDXD


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