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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hammer Session!!

One of my fave manga!!!

Hammer Sesssionnn!!!!

1st Volume front cover..

Yesterday i finished the last volume..
The ending DAMN nice.. bt sad.. xD

Last volume Front Cover.. =(

The story is about two prisoners that are about to bring to 1 kind of prison that keep u inside until u go in coffin baru can go out de.. But bcz the truck that are going to bring them to the prison gt in car accident.. 4 prisoners fast fast run away.. Left only 1 young man and 1 big guy.. That young man saved the driver that pengsan cz the truck is going to explode and then those two human found the key for the handcuffs and the big guy said that mayb this is fate for them to run away.. Then the police quickly caught the other 4 prisoners bt cant find those two guy.. Those two guys run to the mountain and hide in 1 place which they dunno is school.. then they notice that there are human wans to burn down the school asrama.. they stop that guy and thanked by the principal of that school.. and then the young guy bcome a teacher...

If lazy read long decription, i found this description which i think is nice .. xD

2 prisoners managed to escape after the police truck carrying them crashed on the highway. One of them , Mr Sawazaki is a gangster who've sent 10 opposite bosses to hospital. The other called "You" - our protagonist - is a con artist whose cheating profile has piled up to approximately 100 billion yen.. Accidentally "You" then became the new teacher for the nearby high school, under the new name Takeda Shindo and according to a deal of "Hammer Session" with the headmaster. The story is about a teacher who has a past record as a con-artist. It has its own unique taste, which makes it distinctive from other series about teachers, such as GTO and Gokusen.

*"You" is jpn name.. not U.. xD*

Though this manga is abit hentai, but if u ignore those u will find out that this manga is really really really really reallly NICE!!! xD Hope they will make anime of this manga!! Very sad that this finish le.. T T

Then, Garfield Today and Yesterday Comic Strip (07-08/10/09) !!! =D

Garfield: BURP!
Jon: You have a lot of bad habits
Garfield: True...
Garfield: But, you know, i still feel like i could have more..

Garfield: Cruel?

*Cruel for Garfield.. =D*



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