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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

×Last day of 2008~~!!×

Today is the last day of 2008 le.. time past so fast.. going to b form 2 le.. T^T..
Quite lazy to post but last day le.. thn simply post sumthing.. hehe..
Hmmm.... this yr really past very fast.. dunno why so fast 2009 coming le.. XD.. all i do this yr is play, play and play =D... Really Shuang.. Especially Holiday.. Play 24 hrs also can.. =D.. Form 2 sure cant b like form 1 le.. haizz... more homeworks.. more stress... O.O.. and prefects is bcoming HARDER.. sad... i'll miss my form 1 time~~~~
Tonight i think i wont countdown le.. cz the tv is SPOILED and cant watch.. why online cant watch huh.. for FREE~~ thn that will b nicee XD.. bt i hope still gt celebration larh hehehe.. if gt i mayb will post on this blog.. XD see i rajin onot ><""
Kay larh.. dunno wad else to say le..
byebye 2008~~~~~
byebye bad memories of 2008~~~~~ hehe..



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