On your speaker if you want to listen :DD

Thursday, April 9, 2009

2day our school gt gotong-royong so we go home earlier.. since 2moro is ahma's bday.. so, cun cun gt a cat appear jz to wish ahma an advance happy bday!! XD..
The cat is like so damn cute but dunno why ahma and shin yean so scared of that CUTE LITTLE KITTY..
And they are so bloody scare of the humans' hands that touch the cat?? Shin yean still almost cry gok.. and keep beging me dun touch her.. @@ Though it's fun!!
LOL.. but still ahma, ur camera... full wif cat's DNA now.. WHEEEE!! xD

Here's a random vid..

P.S: nice job debbie, fr carrying the cat and scare ahma xD

Tips: Carry a cat or bring a dog if u wan to scare Bibiana Teo Hua Ying or Seah Shin Yean.. xD But u might make Shin Yean cry??



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