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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fishes that were found after Tsunami

These pictures i found it sumwhr and thought it is interesting so i post it here..
Blog update agn =D

Title: WEIRD fishes that were found after Tsunami..
Venue: PLaces that gt tsunami?
Aim: to see weird fishes

kay.. please observe the picsssssssss CAREFULLY..

wow.. nice curve??

SPECIAL species jellyfish?? O.O

the blue is nice.. but it looks kinda creepy??


This looks abit fake??

Whr is my ocean home?? Why is it all dry?? T.T

Lai lai.. BIG ikan masin.. who wans? who wans??

Another version of gold fish? This look cute.. lol

The description says this fish only gt 1 eye? and the eye looks like ours?? haha.. and dinosaur head?

Big head fish??

er.. eggs on ur body?? eeeeeeeee...

hmm.. underwater dinosaurs??

"huh... huh... i guess i drank too much water.. now let me out.."

"he..he... im as quiet as statue... u cant see me..."

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............. speechless..


eeeee bright bright eye!!

eeeeeeeeeeee!! kinda pretty?? lol

wahhh white stone fish??

"arrghhh.. my another body is coming outtttt......." O.O?

prawn head centipete body fish?? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee who wanna eat??

"WARRRHH!! i can bite off ur head!!" *scary fishhh @@""*

Conclusion : These are really weird fishes..

KAY!! that's all!! hope u guys enjoy the fishes!! and dun drool.. =D




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