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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Last Day of School in 2009~ (Photos uploaded)

Today is the last day of school in 2009.. T__________T

And last day of student of 2A..

Like last year, ahma also take pictures take here take there.. =D

but this year dun hav candid or random video le.. XD

I dun hav gt camera de phone so all pictures i took from ahma's blog de..

Form 2 is really shuang... but form 2 i did nothing nia larhh and only play nia..
sigh.. hope i can still be in the same class with same everyone again next year!! i dun wan to be separated and put into stranger class again!! T_______T

This is what happened on the last day (12th November 2009):

Gigi Smileeeee.. =D

haha.. Shin Yean is so boring that time... XD
and i just noticed: My bottle, Shin Yean's bottle and Grace's bottle is in the photo.. =D
*nice expression*

1 Ahma kaciao the seh kia playing chess by taking picture at the back.. hmph!!

LOL.. ohh.. then this is wad happened behind the scene whn ahma's is pulling me.. =_____=

At last.. the cute human on the left and the not cute human on the right.. =D
*last picture at the KBSM block.. T___T*
nvmm when PMR test we will come back to this KBSM block~!!

And so 2moro the hols start so Wish everyone Happy Holiday!!
Hope holiday not boring larhh.. hehe..

See everyone again in 31st December 2009 or mayb in the new year 2010~!! XD



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