On your speaker if you want to listen :DD

Thursday, December 17, 2009


grrrr.. i cant think of anything to post in blog le..

My head wan burst thinking wad to post.. xD

Mayb i should just turn my blog to anime blog.. wahaha.. then sure alot of things to post.. X)

Wonder how others gt so many ideas.. or mayb hols ntg to do then my brain rust liao..
Any ideas wad to post?? ^_^

And ahma so rajin 1 day update 1 post like that.. xD..
But mayb if update blog things like songs i more rajin than update the posts..

Now i only post things that comes to my mind and i think the sentences all cant link de.. wahaha..
Cz ahma said my blog masuk coffin le.. and fonsa said my blog actually masuk tanah liaoo.. T_______T

So b4 my blog suffocate and die, i gotta dig it out and post sumthing.. xD

Mayb Saturday will got sumthing to post.. cz going 游行 for christmas carol...

p/s: "In order to comply with YouTube's Terms of Service we have been asked to no longer stream audio without showing the full video." sienz now the songs all need to have a player that show video.. cant have small player liaoo.. =.=

*Just A short post.. -___________________-



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