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Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy new year 2010!!

Just yesterday is 31st December 2009.. and today it's 1st January 2010.. It's hard to believe that time pass so fast.. feels abit sad but it's a Happy New Year!! so i should be happy.. =DD

From pre-school till 2009.. i always write 01/01/00 till 31/12/09 but this year, it's not gonna be 09 but 10.. it's abit weird.. but i knw i will get use to it someday.. XD

2009 was so fun that i think that time pass very fast for that year.. i made more frens and play alot.. and im very happy that my frens are with me all the time on 2009 and hope we will always be together forever.. =))
but time just wont stop and keep going on.. now that im form 3 and i cannot be that playful like form 2 anymore.. :(
This reminds me of a sentence from the anime The Girl who Leap Through Time (Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo):

"Time waits for no one.." :]]

For this year 2010 i wish that it will be fun and filled with good memories with my frens and my family.. x))

Let us make us make more wonderful memories this year and face all challenges that are coming positively..
make more frens and earn more.. ;]
And be sure to take care of health!! =DD

At last~ i wish everyone

Happy 2010!! xDDDDDD


→『 biБi°メBIBIメ° Ъibi 』← said...


The line said...

Happy 2010!!!! =DDDDD

Shin Yean said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR ! ! ! Gambateh for ur PMR

The line said...

Happy New Year!! u too.. =DD gambatte!!


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