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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year.. New Challenges...

Think it is quite long time since i last blog le.. hmm nvm dun rmb when.. XD

This year im in 3B and alot humans from mix classes de that sum i ever meet bt nvr talk or sum i dun even knw who de.. wahaha.. and got transfer student that ahma knw will transfer de, Gabby.. scare spell wrong her real name so nick better.. XDD

This year is Form 3 lerhh and more things to do.. the teacherS always tell us.. "You are in FORM THREE now and not FORM TWO or ONE so dun play around like those form 1s and form 2s.." or "You are in FORM THREE B, a good class so we expect you to get good result blahh.." but im SURE that 3A get more stress than us.. =DDD

Form 3 really is diff.. the homeworks soo many.. T_____T but lerhh i think Form 2 also same larhh.. just that form 2 i always copy from Shin Yean nia.. =X hahahaha..

The homeworks arr.. go home, jiak, bath blahh and then jz do finish 1 subject homework niaa ady 10.30 or 11.00 pm.. O.O

So morning gotta wake up at 7.00am and then brush my teeth, breakfast and iron my clothes ady 8.30am liaoo.. then do homeworks.. where got time to online liaoo... and where got time for ANIME liaoo.. T______T

but lerhhh even though alot homeworks.. i will still find SOME time to online.. mcm today.. kekeke..

kay larhh.. now only wan to post about how izit whn school start... heh heh..

Ohh.. and i hope ERT gt more periods.. XD

Rush for homeworks.. Rush when prepare for school..

Rush when blogging.. XD


→『 biБi°メBIBIメ° Ъibi 』← said...

my last yr beside maths, mcm everyday no homeworks de xD

Shin Yean said...

ah...copy from me la...still say gok..

Anonymous said...

xD haha i also want more ert periods

Anonymous said...

xD haha i also want more ert periods


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