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Friday, March 5, 2010

After the 1st war.. xD

Today the 1st war ended...

I hope the results are OK..

Grace and Shin Yean ady post about today, so i think no need say much.. onlt that i also feel that today no those humans then exam end le mcm also nothing le?? xD

blah blah blahh..

today my sis pick me and then she asked me wan to go out jiak onot, she chia.. xD
so i say i wan go tHe Spring..

I tot baru after exam mayb humans will stay at home to rest..
But then i go tHe Spring see tiok quite many greeniens?
hahahaha.. or not many??

1st my sis say go KFC jiak, then i see tiok Gabby and her friends..
She come say hi to me.. xD and told me today is her bday..
Paiseh i dunno ><" u told me baru then i know.. xD

Then see tiok tania, bibiana, avery and victoria.. and wee li with her fren.. (sorry i dunno ur name ><")
but it's not like they got read my blog 1 horh.. xD

then, lastly~

Happy Birthday Gabby~!!! =D


hope you can see this.. xD

blah blah blahh.. xD

"i know it will come soon.. and i want it to come..." but still

It frightened me... :(


Shin Yean said...

wah..so good chia u eat KFC..my sis still want me chia her eat ar...T.T

→『 biБi°メBIBIメ° Ъibi 』← said...

so u got miss those human or not? xD

Shin Yean said...

eeeeeeeee....this bibi always ask got miss her o not de...wakakakakak...

The line said...

hahahaha.. xD
shin yean, cz mayb ur sis hvn work?
my sis is cz she gt the internship thn gt allowance..xD
haha ahma, not telling!! XD

→『 biБi°メBIBIメ° Ъibi 』← said...

lol. cuz i got ntg to ask liao xD and line kiam siap xP

The line said...

hahahaha.. the kiam siap learn from u 1.. xD

Shin Yean said...

yalorh...line kiam siap de..


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