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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Competition at SMB Kuching High.

Today went to Kuching High for the competition.
I woke up at 5 and prepared for the competition.. then go pick WhaiTeng..
at 1st i dunno where is her house then go the wrong way.. but then actually very easy to find. ><

Then went there at 7 sumthing le..
Then when go in Kuching High, see tiok the old blog pentadbiran then O.O
hahaha.. very bad condition.. like a fake de building that only gt a dinding..
Then there got a notice:

Stay away from this area, roof falling down

something like that.. but alot humans go there lerh.. XD

Then saw tiok Amlia there.. She compete in the 硬笔书法.and 征文 then i compete in 硬笔,书法 and 征文... 征文 ming hui also gt join.. haha

Then Amilia say 辛好 no go Kuching High, cz Green Road better, prettier.. hahahaha (agree) XD
But then Kuching High de Basketball court SHUANG sii!! hhaahaha.. so big then gt the roof make it like indoor de.. Then not hot de.. stay there only gt wind blows in.. XD

and then after we finsih the 征文, i finish very fast marhh then dunno wan to do wad.. Then go explore around like sakai with Amilia.. XD

I even took pictures.. XD mcm tourist.. wahaha

There also got pond.. small small de.. at 1st go see can see tiok a brown thing swim inside.. then after that cant see anything liaoo.. then i think the pond grows water lilies.. XD
Then the taman herba.. also didnt see tiok any Herbas.. XD
and then we go follow the stone thingy harh.. and then like dead end.. then go hike up, is the Pengetua carpark.. haha

The canteen very big.. haha alot tables.. Then we go to a block there kinda creepy.. like u walk then the floor gt the wood sound like that then there quiet quiet 1 and kosong kosong 1.. XD

I think Kuching High mcm look kinda dull.. XD but the facilities very nice include the toilet., although look kinda dark.. hahaha.. the stairs also gt draw arrows, here go up, there go down.. XD

OHH and Kuching High gt alot stairs.. hahahha

then Amilia say Kuching High ever got burning case..then mayb is the old blog pentadbiran? hahaha
Then my mom say Kuching High actually is 二中 then the kerajaan dunno why wan it to be BM school so chg to Kuching High..
But dunno why is SMB de.. so not counted as kerajaan de school haha..
Then that the kerajaan wan that place, cz that place is hot spot.. haha
so shuang walk out nia, is Pullman ady.. hahaha.. xD

I got took pictures but then lazy to transfer to comp.. XD
Ohh and saw Jia Shan there.. dunno how to write her name haha.. Evonne Chong harh.. XD
and her 书法 Amilia say VERY NICE.. haha
and gt a guy write 书法 got stand posture 1.. XD so shat..haha
he wrote so many then lerhh his dad walk in, see see see, then say EM. OK.. hahahaha
he wrote until so nice only OK.. mine then CHAM lorhh.. XD

Went there quite shuang de.. hahahaha
Next year if got mayb wan join again.. XD
Grace! Shin Yean!! u guys wan join?? XD
If is not on Sunday larhh.. haha

but also hope is other school, then can go another school explore again.. XD


Shin Yean said...

if not sunday then i'll think of it first...XD

Anonymous said...

yup xD if not busy then will join xD

The line said...

eee hahaha.. XD u guys mmg is busy? hhahaha XD
then next year see again~ XD better can go larh teman me XD


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