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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

ERT homeworks is drivin' me crazy!!!

There the teacher, giving us another homework -- make a dress!!
What?! I am not good in doing these kind of things.... T^T
*SIGH* approach my friend...
ME : "How to do the dress?"
MY FRIEND : "Just do larh... Just like what teacher said just now."
ME : "But i have no idea!"
MY FRIEND : "If u still dunno go ask teacher larh."
ME : "Dunwan, later teacher scold me. U teach me please!"
MY FRIEND : "Sigh, first u take these two pieces of cloth to the tailor, ask them help u to 'jahit penyudah tepi'"
ME : "What? Where to find the tailor?"
MY FRIEND : "Just go find larh."
ME : "Er...then?"
MY FRIEND : "Then after that u join the two pieces of cloth u 'jahit kelim' at both side...got it?"
ME : "Er....ya....i think so..."
MY FRIEND : "Then, u 'jahitkan kelepet' at the 'hujung' of the dress..."
ME : "Ya...then?"
MY FRIEND : "Then, u will get an elastic thingy from ur teacher."
ME : "The elastic thingy?" O.o
MY FRIEND : "Aiya... i dont know what that 'thing' call ma."
ME : "Swt...then?"
MY FRIEND : "Then at the top of the dress, u fold in 5mm to make the cloth the same length... then u fold in 2.5cm again for the elastic thingy. 'Jahitkan' the cloth then leave 3cm so that u can put the elastic thingy in."
ME : "Very very very blur right now..."
MY FRIEND : "Aiya, i dont know u ar...just refer to the text book whenever u forgot."
ME : "Sobs...help me....i hate doing this kind of thing..."
MY FRIEND : "Do it urself XP"
ME : "U so bad... T^T"

Well, this is the conversation with my friend. She did help me a lot with this dress and now i can successfully complete my dress but i left the decoration...
Some i use Malay becoz my teacher taught us in Malay... hehe...


Shin Yean said...

OK la you....write me always said the " lah " word...ok u...I'LL PAY FOR IT ! ! ! ! haha...juz kidding...


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