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Friday, September 25, 2009

1st time MBO!!

Today went to MBO with Ahma, Grace, Alfonsa, Cherlin, Dalia, Angel and the other three which i not sure the names.. *sorry >__<* At 1st we wan to watch 吓到笑 Where Got Ghost de.. but lerhh cz full ady.. so lerhh we chose to watch G-Force.. We cant watch Final Destination cz they say "Below 18 cannot.." =_____=""

G-Force.. about Guinea Pigs that are trained to have higher IQ.. and is going to save the world..

Darwin.. looks like is the ketua of the team.. X)

Blaster.. gives the name G-Force to the team.. XD

Juarez.. always will save Blaster from trouble de..

Hurley.. They meet him at the pet shop XD.. and then has a new name afterward, Rookie..

Speckles.. a mole.. but very pro at computer.. IQ is 100? if not mistaken.. XD

Mooch.. pro fly.. XD so called "eye in the sky"? xD

For me i think that G-Force quite nicee...
I dunno hw long the movie, think is 1 hr 45 mins like that.. XD
After we finish we go lepak around Spring and then eat ice creammm..
hahaha.. the photos all not nice so dun post haha.. (that's wad ahma said.. and i also agreee..) XD

*haha.. agree wif ahma about the awkward atmosphere wif diff schools humannss.. ><*



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