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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Texas Holdem' Poker on Facebook..

hehe.. since im boring and dunno wad to post.. im going to post the application im siao-ing on Facebook XD..
Texas Holdem' Poker

at 1st i dunno how to play this application and i simply play.. but after my bro start to play this app, he teaches me how to play.. this game is almost like "dai di" also means 二大.. but only that the 2 isnt the biggest.. XD

At first they will give u 2 cards.. then u decide u wan to gamble how much in it.. after 1 round they will open 2-3 cards.. then u decide how much u wan to gamble in it again.. fold if u think u cant win then ur cards will b discard and all the money u ady gamble in cant return.. After 7 cards opened on the table.. they will decide who wins.. the 7 cards on the table own by all the player in the game and is visible by everyone.. Wins are decide by which cards' bigger.. and by the poker hands..

(if you knw hw to play dai di thn lerhh u will knw these things)

From the best to the worst 5 cards hands..
The left will b smaller than the right hands..

Straight Flush
the best and the hardest to got..

Straight flush means that all the 5 cards u have are in sequential order (Straight) and in the same suit (Flush)..

4 of a Kind

4 cards the same (rank) and 1 card different..

More Common Hands:

Full House

Full House means u got 3 cards same rank + 2 cards another same rank..


Flush are cards with the same suit..


Straight means that all 5 cards are in sequentical order..

Aces can either come before a 2 to start a straight or after a King to end a straight.

3 of a Kind

3 cards of a same rank but 2 other cards that is different..


2 cards of a same rank + another 2 cards of a same rank..

Easier Hands:

Pair (2 of a Kind)

2 cards of a same rank + other 3 different cards

High Card

your highest card is your hand. For example: 'high card ace' or 'high card queen'


In any hand that does not use all 5 of the player's cards, the highest leftover card is called the 'kicker'. The kicker is used to compare ties. In some cases the kicker may need to include your top two or three leftover cards (this would happen if both players had the same kicker).

The following hand is:
'a pair of 10s with a Jack kicker' or
'a pair of 10s with a Jack, Seven kicker'

If ur hand is the same as another player.. it is counted as Completely Tied.. and the money (pot) is split evenly...

*Pictures are found at Texas Holdem' Poker Helps..*

**The description can be found at Texas Holdem' Poker Helps too.. I just explain sum part.. XD..**

***Dun blame me if u bcome more "hin" after u read this post.. i just cr8 this post cz im boring..***



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