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Monday, September 28, 2009

School starts again after Raya Holiday..

Haihzz... now school starts again after i finally get into holiday mood!! T-T

I slept 2 hrs earlier yesterday than i did during holidays but lerhh end up VERY tired today..

But pheww.. Today, no TIRING Geo period!! cz the teacher went to meeting.. and i guess english teacher too?? dunno.. XD

Then lerhh we end up talking talking.. XD
Shin Yean asked Grace about how to play treasure hunt and Grace think out alot of clues for Shin Yean.. Next time need to think of any games jz ask Graceeeeee =D..

Science need to go science lab and teacher gave alot of exercises.. haihz.. and on the 20th Oct we gt exam and science we only until chapter 7.. so teacher need to rush.. zzz..

And then all the rest periods nothing special.. bt lerhh BC got go Makmal Komputer.. gt air-con, better larhh.. and BM teacher asked us to move back the tables.. but lerhh not the original lerhh!! sienz.. the most right side tables gt too many columns make that the 3rd row dun have link wif 4th row.. haihz.. hope morning session will change..

Then thats all...
Enjoy today garfield strip below!! XD

In Case cant see:
Garfield: Odie, would you please not stand so close to me?

*Hope that they will redraw and chg everything about the prefects chibi version.. =D*
**This end the usual day..**



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