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Monday, September 14, 2009

My 14th Birthday~!

Yesterday is my 14th Birthday~!!
Getting older everyday now.. =( ; Next year going to sit for PMR le.. haihz ><
THANKS TO MY FAMILY AND MY FRIENDS for wishing me Happy Birthday and give me presents and celebrate wif me~~ X) I am very Happy!! This is the prove:

My mom also brought us to Pizza Hut yesterday!! Thanks mom!! XD
And my friends gave me alot wishes and cute+nice presents, thanks!! and my sis's bf, thanks fr the cute present!!
and Joanne, thanks for the RICH chocolate cake!!

lol i knw this post i said alot thanks, because im too happy le.. and touch X) love u all~~!!

*::: lol.. i knw my blog has been "dead" for a long time.. ><; will try hard to update my blog more often~~ :::*



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