On your speaker if you want to listen :DD

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Just wan to post about it!!

I knw Christmas passed already but i just wan to post the pictures from tHe Spring.. The trees, the snowman, the santa.. niceeeee.. =DDDD hahaha

Hope u enjoy lorhh..:

nice marhh?? too bad thr's a rubbish bin thr.. XD

I like the decor for the treeeeee.. XD

 The dancing santa.. the 1st  one look very real that it is abit creepy.. but wif the songs, very nice larh.. XD

snowman!!! and the reindeer at the right picture.. see it?? the white little 1.. =D

Gingerbread house by Gingerbread House!!! yuuumm... x))))) or it's not? cz it got ginger in it.. XD
But very nice.. haha

Christmas tree!! XD

The castle and igloos!! XD ohh there's sumone take picture of the castle too.. =DDD

At the ground floor.. these things are floating on the water.. nice right? XDDD

I wan to post this post on Christmas but too bad Christmas my computer got problem.. :(
haha.. so now baru post.. XD
Had fun take picture that day at tHe Spring using my bro's phone wahahaha..

Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Computtterrrrr.....~~

My bro on Christmas eve dl-ed sumthing and make my computer's files collide tiok.. so lerhh cant go in desktop.. so gotta bring to repair.. :(
but actually my bro repaired liaoo.. jz that didnt tell my mom repaired hou le.. T_T 

Then Christmas eve until now boh computer to use.. blog also hard.. :(
i wan to blog about christmas and winter solstice lerhh.. but all the pictures in the computer so lerhh mayb next time baru upload.. XD

Then now sumthing random:-
My dashboard

hahaha.. i 4gt that shin yean got chg link so i always keep the old one and think why shin yean no update blog.. -__________-||||

then after rmb baru go see her blog update so many larhh.. XD
now knw lerhh then rajin abit go remove old links and add new de.. XD

Randomm~~ :]]

Saturday, December 19, 2009

At spring with my family..

YaY.. ytd went to Spring with my mom and my sis..

We 1st eat at Kim Bay.. then when we went inside tHe Spring, we 1st saw the dancing and singing Santa..

Kinda creepy but funny.. XD.. too bad no picture of him/it.. XDDD

Then there's a human copying the santa's dancing.. haha.. his dancing look almost just like the santa's but just that the santa's fatter..

Then went to Parkson to buy my next year school's accessories and walk around tHe Spring, eat ice cream.. blahh.. XD

Spring is nicee.. there gt igloos and white castle mmg got the Christmas mood.. ^o^

Hope i got a camera then can take many pictures.. XD

Found a reindeer horns and make me think of Chopper.. ^__^

"Tanuki janai, tonakai n' da"

Friday, December 18, 2009

My blog.. revive??

Saw this and think gonna use this to blog.. ^_-

This clover make me think tiok my blog.. XD
mcm my blog that's always sleeping and finally wake up when i come back to update~ =DD

But still cant think of anything to post.. >____<

Will try to keep my blog alive/awake larh..

Ganbaaree~~!! =))

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dedicated to Garfield aka Ahma.. =DD

Just read these comic strips.. and think mayb suit ahma's wishlist post.. XD

Jon: Isn't your christmas list to Santa sent yet?
Garfield: It's a big file.

Garfield and Odie.. XD

*Just Garfield Comic Strip.. =DDDDD


grrrr.. i cant think of anything to post in blog le..

My head wan burst thinking wad to post.. xD

Mayb i should just turn my blog to anime blog.. wahaha.. then sure alot of things to post.. X)

Wonder how others gt so many ideas.. or mayb hols ntg to do then my brain rust liao..
Any ideas wad to post?? ^_^

And ahma so rajin 1 day update 1 post like that.. xD..
But mayb if update blog things like songs i more rajin than update the posts..

Now i only post things that comes to my mind and i think the sentences all cant link de.. wahaha..
Cz ahma said my blog masuk coffin le.. and fonsa said my blog actually masuk tanah liaoo.. T_______T

So b4 my blog suffocate and die, i gotta dig it out and post sumthing.. xD

Mayb Saturday will got sumthing to post.. cz going 游行 for christmas carol...

p/s: "In order to comply with YouTube's Terms of Service we have been asked to no longer stream audio without showing the full video." sienz now the songs all need to have a player that show video.. cant have small player liaoo.. =.=

*Just A short post.. -___________________-

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Last Day of School in 2009~ (Photos uploaded)

Today is the last day of school in 2009.. T__________T

And last day of student of 2A..

Like last year, ahma also take pictures take here take there.. =D

but this year dun hav candid or random video le.. XD

I dun hav gt camera de phone so all pictures i took from ahma's blog de..

Form 2 is really shuang... but form 2 i did nothing nia larhh and only play nia..
sigh.. hope i can still be in the same class with same everyone again next year!! i dun wan to be separated and put into stranger class again!! T_______T

This is what happened on the last day (12th November 2009):

Gigi Smileeeee.. =D

haha.. Shin Yean is so boring that time... XD
and i just noticed: My bottle, Shin Yean's bottle and Grace's bottle is in the photo.. =D
*nice expression*

1 Ahma kaciao the seh kia playing chess by taking picture at the back.. hmph!!

LOL.. ohh.. then this is wad happened behind the scene whn ahma's is pulling me.. =_____=

At last.. the cute human on the left and the not cute human on the right.. =D
*last picture at the KBSM block.. T___T*
nvmm when PMR test we will come back to this KBSM block~!!

And so 2moro the hols start so Wish everyone Happy Holiday!!
Hope holiday not boring larhh.. hehe..

See everyone again in 31st December 2009 or mayb in the new year 2010~!! XD

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Moral... Moral... MORAL..

2moro test Moral.. and i didnt study 1 bit.. stick to computer.. haihz..

and 2moro Moral got test definisi gok.. Didnt study, CHAM..

So since im stuck wif my computer i study here larh..

WARNING: the below post are all Moral Definisi for Secondary School, Malaysia. dun read if u think they are boring!! TQ.. x]

Moral Definisi:

Perkembangan Diri:-

Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan:
Keyakinan wujudnya Tuhan sebagai pencipta alam dan mematuhi segala suruhan-Nya berlandaskan agama masing-masing selaras dengan Prinsip Rukun Negara.

Sikap bertanggungjawab yang boleh menimbulkan kepercayaan dan keyakinan orang lain.

Harga Diri:
Keupayaan dan keyakinan diri agar mampu memuliakan dan menjaga maruah diri dalam kehidupan.

Kesanggupan diri seseorang untuk memikul dan melaksanakan tugas serta kewajipan dengan sempurna.

Hemah Tinggi:
Beradab sopan dan berbudi pekerti dalam pergaulan seharian.

Kesanggupan bertolak ansur, sabar dan mengawal diri bagi mengelakkan berlakunya pertelingkahan dan perselisihan faham demi kesejahteraan hidup.

Kebolehan dan kesanggupan melakukan sesuatu tanpa bergantung kepada orang lain.

Usaha yang berterusan penuh dengan semangat kegigihan, ketekunan, dedikasi dan berdaya maju dalam melakukan sesuatu perkara.

Kasih Sayang:
Kepekaan dan perasaan cinta yang mendalam serta berkekalan yang lahir daripada hati yang ikhlas.

Tindakan dan keputusan yang saksama serta tidak berat sebelah.

Boleh berfikir berdasarkan alasan dan bukti yang nyata dan dapat mengambil tindakan berasaskan pertimbangan yang wajar.

Bersikap tidak keterlaluan dalam membuat pertimbangan dan tindakan sama ada dalam pemikiran, pertuturan atau perlakuan tanpa mengabaikan kepentingan diri dan orang lain.


Kasih Sayang Terhadap Keluarga:
Perasaan cinta, kasih sayang yang mendalam dan berkekalan terhadap keluarga.

Hormat dan Taat kepada Anggota Keluarga:
Memuliakan setiap anggota keluarga dengan berinteraksi dan memberi layanan secara bersopan untuk mewujudkan keluarga yang harmoni.

Mengekalkan Tradisi Keluarga:
Menerima, menghormati dan mengamalkan sesuatu kebiasaan, adat dan kepercayaan yang diwarisi secara turun temurun dalam keluarga.

Tanggungjawab Terhadap Keluarga:
Kewajipan yang harus dilaksanakan oleh setiap individu terhadap keluarga untuk melahirkan keluarga bahagia, meningkatkan imej dan menjaga maruah keluarga.

Alam Sekitar:-

Menyayangi dan Menghargai Alam Sekitar:
Kesedaran tentang perlunya memelihara dan memulihara alam sekeliling untuk mengekalkan keseimbangan ekosistem.

Keharmonian anatara Manusia dengan Alam Sekitar:
Keadaan saling memerlukan hubungan yang harmoni antara manusia dengan alam sekeliling supaya kualiti kehidupan manusia dan alam sekeliling terpelihara.

Kemapanan Alam Sekitar:
Pengekalan keseimbangan alam sekeliling sebagai tanggungjawab bersama untuk kesejahteraan hidup.

Peka Terhadap Isu-isu Alam Sekitar:
Prihatin terhadap persoalan yang berkaitan dengan alam sekeliling dan berusaha menyelesaikannya secara bersama.


Cinta akan Negara:
Perasaan sayang dan bangga kepada negara serta meletakkan kepentingan negara melebihi kepentingan diri.

Taat Setia kepada Raja dan Negara:
Kepatuhan dan kesetiaan yang berkekalan kepada Raja dan Negara.

Sanggup Berkorban untuk Negara:
Kerelaan melakukan atau menyerahkan sesuatu termasuk nyawa sebagai tanda kebaktian kepada negara.

Hak Asasi Manusia:-

Melindungi hak Kanak-kanak
Membela, member naungan dan memelihara hak kanak-kanak bagi menjamin kehidupan mereka yang sempurna.

Menghormati Hak Wanita
Melindungi dan mengiktiraf wanita sebagai individu yang boleh memberi sumbangan dan pembangunan keluarga, masyarakat dan negara.

Melindungi Hak Pekerja:
Menghormati, menghargai dan mengiktiraf perkhidmatan, jasa dan sumbangan golongan pekerja dalam pembangunan negara.

Menghormati Hak Golongan Kurang Upaya
Memberi layanan yang bersopan kepada golongan kurang berupaya supaya mereka tidak berasa tersisih dan mengiktiraf mereka sebagai insan cipta Tuhan.

Melindungi Hak Pengguna
Membela dan memelihara hak individu untuk menjadi pengguna yang berilmu, mendapat perkhidmatan serta barangan yang berkualiti dan tidak mudah dieksploitasi.


Mematuhi Peraturan dan Undang-undang:
Menerima dan mematuhi peraturan dan undang-undang yang telah ditentukan tanpa mengira sesiapa dan di mana seseorang itu berada.

Kebebsasan Bersuara
Kebebasan bersuara dan mengeluarkan fikiran dengan batasan tertentu bagi menjaga keselamatan dan ketenteraman.

Kebebasan Beragama
Kebebasan setiap individu untuk menganuti dan mengamalkan agamanya seperti yang diperuntukkan dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia.

Penglibatan diri dalam Pekembangan Negara:
Kebebasan untuk melibatkan diri dalam pelbagai aktiviti pembangunan negara dengan mematuhi peraturan, undang-undang dan Perlembagaan Malaysia.

Sikap Keterbukaan:
Bersedia memberi dan menerima pandangan, pembaharuan dan kritikan selaras dengan kebenaran fakta dan norma masyarakat Malaysia.

Keamanan dan Keharmonian:-

Hidup Bersama Secara Aman:
Hidup berbaik-baik antara satu sama lain dengan mengutamakan kedamaian dan keharmonian hidup tanpa mengira agama, bangsa dan budaya.

Saling membantu dan Berkerjasama
Usaha yang baik dan membina yang dilakukan bersama pada peringkat individu komuniti atau negara untuk mencapai sesuatu matlamat.

Saling Menghormati Antara Negara
Menghargai dan memuliakan hubungan antara negara untuk kesejahteraan sejagat.

Birthday Party for my brother's 21st Birthday!!!

Yesterday is the party for my bro's 21st birthday, though only family nia larhh..
Actually my bro's 21st birthday is on Monday, bt we celebrate it earlier.. xD and Monday i got exam also..

At 1st my dad say go CountryCourt de.. but then CountryCourt is full ady.. so my dad thought of a nice place, 新天厨 Chef Special(thanks ahma for the English name) XD..

The place is very nice, can sing Karaoke inside gok.. xD..
My sis got take pictures.. when she transfer it into her laptop i wan to get the picture from her.. then upload it here!! =D

The birthday cake damn nice!!! hehe..
and then we played until almost 12 i think.. xD

Haha.. now left the pictures le.. then this post will be nice!!
and thenn..

For today's Garfield Daily Comic Strip!! =D

Jon: Want to hear about my date with Liz?
Garfield: Do i have a choice?
Jon: We were in the car staring with each other's eyes.
Jon: I reached out to turn on the car radio, but pushed the lighter instead...
Jon: Then it popped out into my lap, I screamed and jumped, my head went through the car's roof, the airbags went off, and the horn stuck
Jon: Sigh..
Jon: I've nvr been thrown out of a drive-in movie before.
Garfield: You have a rare and a special gift, Jon Arbuckle..

*2moro exam agn.. haihz..*

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Garfield!!! Odie! Jon!!! Garfielddd!!!! =D

Long time no go read Garfield Daily Comic Strip le!!!! and long time no post le!!!

I lazy post all that i missed so lerhh i jz post those i think nice de.. =D

This 1 Odie very cutee!! xD

Naughty Garfield!! x]

Garfield: I must claw something!
Garfield: WHEW! I feel much better..
Jon: Have you seen my new curtains?
Garfield: Define "new"

Garfield: I must admit there's one thing i like about Odie....
Garfield: He makes me feel fun to be around.

*true right? ahma.. haha..*

"Caring Garfield"

Jon: I can't go out tonight, Liz.. I have a terrible cold.
Jon: Don't worry, though.. Garfield's taking good care of me...
Jon: As in NOT!
Garfield: Can't you breathe in the other direction?

"Clever" Garfield

Jon: I'm surprised you haven't caught my cold yet.
Jon: Are you listening to me?
Garfield: Pardon?

Hope u enjoyed it.. x]

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Exam too free??

haha.. exam too "free" come blog le.. xD
actually not free larhh jz lazy study.. ><

Today test Science and i got the feeling that today is the first time in Secondary School that i ever study Science and understand wad the questions actually ask?? mayb.. cz i think mostly i jz tembak or common sense or like abit abit think is teacher ever say blahh??

2moro is Maths.. haihz. wan to study maths but end up online also.. hopeless.. >___<

haha.. Ahma intro a nice song in her blog then make me think tiok songs that i think nice also.. but the lyrics nothing larhh.. just feel like to post it in my blog.. XD

Vae 许嵩

超人气创作歌手 首张独立创制专辑《自定义》




*haha.. i like these songs.. hope u guys like it too.. x]*

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Haha.. long time no blog le.. i think.. cause kinda lazy to come and blog...

These days i wan to concentrate on study lerhh.. but lerhh sudd alot anime POP out.. blame ahma.. xD..

Zombie Loan
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
Yumeiro Patissiere

and sum i found myself de.. xD

Darker Than Black
Kimi ni Todoke

Plus normally i will watch de
and Shugo Chara Party
bt lerhh sudd shugo chara party add in alot random things, i seldom 4lo le.. xD

All add up gt 11 animes.. xD
Think dun have any left out.. wahaha..

Then then next week Tues is exam le.. i didnt even start study ehh.. cham le.. xD

Haihz.. boh pian nw can only rush on Sun and Mon.. hehehe... or study at that day lorh..

And Garfield Daily COmic Strip... 09/10/09
Love this 1!!!

Garfield : Stop slobbering or learn to swim.

* Thanks sa!!! For helping my blog chg new look!! Love the header picture!! =D*

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hammer Session!!

One of my fave manga!!!

Hammer Sesssionnn!!!!

1st Volume front cover..

Yesterday i finished the last volume..
The ending DAMN nice.. bt sad.. xD

Last volume Front Cover.. =(

The story is about two prisoners that are about to bring to 1 kind of prison that keep u inside until u go in coffin baru can go out de.. But bcz the truck that are going to bring them to the prison gt in car accident.. 4 prisoners fast fast run away.. Left only 1 young man and 1 big guy.. That young man saved the driver that pengsan cz the truck is going to explode and then those two human found the key for the handcuffs and the big guy said that mayb this is fate for them to run away.. Then the police quickly caught the other 4 prisoners bt cant find those two guy.. Those two guys run to the mountain and hide in 1 place which they dunno is school.. then they notice that there are human wans to burn down the school asrama.. they stop that guy and thanked by the principal of that school.. and then the young guy bcome a teacher...

If lazy read long decription, i found this description which i think is nice .. xD

2 prisoners managed to escape after the police truck carrying them crashed on the highway. One of them , Mr Sawazaki is a gangster who've sent 10 opposite bosses to hospital. The other called "You" - our protagonist - is a con artist whose cheating profile has piled up to approximately 100 billion yen.. Accidentally "You" then became the new teacher for the nearby high school, under the new name Takeda Shindo and according to a deal of "Hammer Session" with the headmaster. The story is about a teacher who has a past record as a con-artist. It has its own unique taste, which makes it distinctive from other series about teachers, such as GTO and Gokusen.

*"You" is jpn name.. not U.. xD*

Though this manga is abit hentai, but if u ignore those u will find out that this manga is really really really really reallly NICE!!! xD Hope they will make anime of this manga!! Very sad that this finish le.. T T

Then, Garfield Today and Yesterday Comic Strip (07-08/10/09) !!! =D

Garfield: BURP!
Jon: You have a lot of bad habits
Garfield: True...
Garfield: But, you know, i still feel like i could have more..

Garfield: Cruel?

*Cruel for Garfield.. =D*


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