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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Exam too free??

haha.. exam too "free" come blog le.. xD
actually not free larhh jz lazy study.. ><

Today test Science and i got the feeling that today is the first time in Secondary School that i ever study Science and understand wad the questions actually ask?? mayb.. cz i think mostly i jz tembak or common sense or like abit abit think is teacher ever say blahh??

2moro is Maths.. haihz. wan to study maths but end up online also.. hopeless.. >___<

haha.. Ahma intro a nice song in her blog then make me think tiok songs that i think nice also.. but the lyrics nothing larhh.. just feel like to post it in my blog.. XD

Vae 许嵩

超人气创作歌手 首张独立创制专辑《自定义》




*haha.. i like these songs.. hope u guys like it too.. x]*



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