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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Line crisis?

These two days.. whenever i go to websites.. Sure will




until until until dunno when..
and the page still haven appear..

haihz.. blogger also load so long..
Facebook more CHAM.. T T

dunno is my Streamyx line's fault? or the server of those website??

Whatever it is.. hope that the Streamyx line will become smooth again then lerhh can surf shuang shuang..

Then lerh jz yesterday, my bro sudd go hear Super Junior's songs.. then lerhh that time i kena influence and go hear too.. bcome like their songs.. haihz.. bt the old songs not nice.. XD

My bro also go watch the fake version of Super Junior by Taiwanese de.. very fake and kinda funny.. X)

Think my bro bcome the fan of Super Junior ady..? XD cz he also go search which 1 is which 1.. all 13 humans he go search.. hahaha especially see the heights.. shortest 173cm and highest 183? dunno..

Then now i siao korea awhile.. go learn the word.. wahahaha..

Think that's all.. same as always, garfield comic strip to end!!! hee..


Garfield: I'll bet there are fish in this lake..
Fish: You got that right, FAT boy!
Jon: You're all wet.
Garfield: It was worth it..

*garfield so rajin go catch the fish until he all wet? kesian the fish..*
**ahma, u also will appear at the end of my post.. nice horhh.. V.I.P. nice horh.. x)**



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