On your speaker if you want to listen :DD

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Today, at form 3 block..

Today we form 2s moved to form 3 block cz form 3s are going to have PMR 2moro at our block.. xD..

We use 3A class like last year also.. but i dunno since whn form 3A cls use whiteboard?? and then b4 recess normal.. gt classes.. blehh.. then after recess baru shuang, PK students all move to bengkel then the class almost kosong wif ERT students.. teachers also boh come.. xD so got time to finish hmwks, then play..

We boring so Shin Yean suggest to play BINGO.. long time no play le.. kinda fun lol.. but still boring.. then Grace decide to play Hangman.. x).. too bad no UNO to play like 2B class.. haha..

Hope 2moro also alot teachers no come arr.. though i knw Sej, SNS, Geo, M3 sure teachers come and then sure teach de.. T T..

Well then, garfield comic strip to end again.. x)

Jon: I'll split that with you
Garfield: WAH-HA! ha! ha! ha!!
Garfield: Oh, come on.. that was funny..

*Kiam Siap garfield aka ahma!! xD..*
**GoodLuck to Form 3 Students in PMR 2moro!! think they wont come my blog and cant see 1 larhh.. bt nvm.. Gambatte!!!**



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